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24 years old.

One hour later, in Tokyo, Japan.

My meeting ended early. Do you want to get lunch already?

He sends a photo of him smiling at the camera and Toru glaring at him. With a reply,

We're heading back soon. See you in less than an hour.

I smile at the picture just as Mei leans in, "Are you guys fucking?"

I startle looking over my shoulder to see Mei behind me, looking at my phone. I shut it off and put it on the table. The meeting had ended a few minutes ago and it was just me and her in the room. "What?"

She narrows her eyes, leaning back and crossing her arms, "You heard me. Are you guys fucking?"

I roll my eyes, "Our meeting is over so you can go now."

She pushes my shoulder, "come on, we've shared everything with each other." Not everything but I don't correct her. "I know you guys have a thing, it's pretty obvious. So, I'm just trying to confirm."

I roll my shoulders, stretching my arms, "We've only done it a few times," A lot of times. "And besides I like him. He's nice." He's amazing.

"I knew it!" she says.

I stand up with my hand on my belly that's starting to show. I haven't chosen a name yet. I'm supposed to find out the gender soon so I'm a little nervous.

"Okay but what about Isamu?" Mei asks carefully.

I look to her sharply, "What about him?And what does he have to do with anything?"

She gestures to my belly, "well first off, you're carrying his baby."

I run my hands through my hair, "don't remind me."

"Second off He's a psycho who might try to ruin things between you and what's his name." She shakes her head when I try to correct her, "Don't get me wrong I like him. He's okay. But Isamu is crazy." She gestured to her head.

"You're not wrong." I say, checking the time. "But I still don't see what you mean."

She taps on my shoulder, to get my attention, "you're not listening.What if he does something?"

The realization hits me on what she means. What if he try's to kill him?

"Isamu doesn't do things without reason," I say shaking the feeling off.

Mei thinks for a moment then nods, "True. And he doesn't like you. I mean he's never loved you like ever."

I lift an eyebrow. If I had still loved Isamu that comment may have really hurt. Thank the lord I don't have any feelings for him anymore. "Wow." I say, mocking offense.

Mei shoulders me, playfully, "Come on, you know what I mean." I shake my head as she continues, "I am happy for you, Yaz. I've never seen you like this before."

"Like what?" I asked, confused.

She gives me a smile, her smiley piercing showing, "Happy." She starts to walk out of the room, "He's good for you, Yaz."

I get this feeling of warmth when she says the words. I know.

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