from me

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first things first, thank you everybody for reading this story!

idk if that's dumb info lol but I've been writing short stories and starting books for 10 years now - this is the first book i've ever finished. lol.

Im sad and also relieved that I finished this book. it kind of feels like a step closer to recovery if that even makes sense.

oh yeah btw for the questions :

did you ever change your plot?

yeah a lot actually. my original idea was to make minho die in the end. turns out I'm not a big fan of sad endings.

what gave you the idea to write this story and make minho the main character?

I needed to vent somehow. having no friends that knew and being in this shithole for well over a year, I needed something to let my feelings out. boom. lucky I write.

my original thought was to make hyunjin the main character. I don't know why but I changed my idea once I started writing.

how are you?
(cute question lol thanks)

better. ups and downs, but better. I didn't decide to recover after a year of osfed, five months of anorexia or four months with bulimia. I didn't decide to recover after fainting at school or losing all my interests. I decided to recover when I finally got so incredibly sick of being sick.

the truth is, eating disorders are all a lie. they're lying to us, telling us pretty hypocritical things we can only dream of being. and even if we ever succeed, it would never ever be enough.

I don't want to keep remembering everything the way I do now. I don't want to celebrate another christmas but not remember the fun I had but instead how I threw up my dinner in my grandmas bathroom. I don't want to remember another birthday as the time I binged and purged. I truly want to enjoy the summer and not just tell myself that I will when I'm skinny enough.

it's actually worth it. a few months ago I thought I might as well just die from heart failure and get it over with, but now having friends that get me, summer nights under the stars, I see that it's all worth it.

I started this story feeling like there was no other way out than death. ended this story having a plan for the future and real, genuine happiness by my side.

Im starting to like myself. and I hope you do too.

I hope you enjoyed this ride! let's see each other in another book!

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