Familiar Trouble

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It giggles, looking past Reanna's shoulder. Realization snaps in it's eyes just before the door falls shut, it crumbles as quickly as it came.

"Sally Genda," It gave Reanna a old-fashioned bow, lowering their eyes. "I only know what everyone else knows," It glances up with a smirk behind the mask.

"What do you know?" She crosses her arms, leaning against the door.

Could this be the soul who hurt me? Sally's answer will tell me what I need to know.

Reanna lowers her gaze, as if she could pull the answer out of the Reclaimed Soul.

"You are certainly different from before," It laughs with a twinkle in it's eyes. "What made you like this?"

She knows something,

"Answer me," Reanna's finger nails dig into her arm.

Sally raised its hands up. "I know that the castle was breatched and you were kidnapped. Your room was ransaked and you were taken to the dungeon."

Is that all?

"By who?"

"Only Bellator knows that," Sally's eyes peer down at Reanna's arms. "Good, Terissa helped you. You looked dreadfulwhen Bellator brought you up,"

"What?" Reanna gasps, her hands let go of her arms.

"He was the one who took you out of the dungeon, than he threw a guard into a cell,"

What did the guard do? Is it still alive?

"Who kidnapped me?"

The demon leans against the wall, it's tail wraps around her leg. Analyzing the scene in front of her.

"I don't know,"

Damn, I have to ask Death? Will he tell me the truth?

Sally continues "I'll lead you back to your room," It holds their arm out.

Why does she not want me to follow her? Why can't I ask Death what happened to me? When I see the stairs I'll go search for him. I'll demand answers.

She takes the creatures arm, lightly resting her hand on the coat. Sally leads her out down a dark hallway, the demon tags behind them.

"What type of reclaimed soul are you?" Reanna inquiries, examining the walls.

There were tiny cracks on the floor, they blended in with the textured stone.

Sally giggles. "I'm Olivia's right hand. If something happens to her I will take over,"

"Is that your job here? Taking care of everyone? Make sure they're safe"

As they walk the cracks and holes in the walls stopped, light illuminates through the lobby.

"How can you see in this darkness?"

"Everyone prefers it, the darkness allows them to-" It says, as they stroll into the balcony.

I have to go to the source of the information, to Death.

Reanna's hand falls off the creatures arm. Olivia walks out of Bellator's office, she freezes when she saw Reanna storming down the stairs.

"Reanna?" She whispers

"WHERE IS DEATH? I WANT ANSWERS!" Her screams echo in the lobby, stealing everyones attention.

They turn to Olivia. The Demon that was following them cackles, leaning over the railing, Sally giggles. Olivia snaps her attentions towards them.

"Shit," It mutters, catching the mistresses deadly eyes.

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