Close To The Answer

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Tears bloom in her hazel eyes, enhancing the green and yellow in her eyes. She continues staring again as her lips start to shake. Reanna walks behind her, watching the sky around them, different birds glide through the orange and blue sky. Roza's hand quivers, she glances at it, not moving her head back. She brings it to her chest, blocking it with her body. She closes her eyes, her chest puffs up as she takes a deep breath.

"So I can think of anything and it appears? Just like that?"

Reanna tilts her head back to see an eagle flying over them. Its feathers shake through the wind. Roza exhales.

"Yes. Most Souls prefer this but others like creating what they want." She says, taking another breath.

Would you circle back and land on me?

Reanna raises her arm and lets her wrist fall back. One of the eagles splits from the group and flies towards her. A mat appears on her hand as the bird leans back. Fapping its wings to slow down until it gracefully perks itself on her hand. He stares at her, its brown wing bent beside its body. The eagle cocks his head at her and gives her a high-pitched whistle, before pushing off her hand and flying off. Reanna blinks at the bird and watches it fly off. Her jaw was slightly open in amazement.

Liam would have loved that

"What about information? Who do I go for that?"

Roza exhales, and slowly she opens her eyes.

"Right now, you can ask me. If you still have questions you can ask the angels with gold feathers on their wings."

"Do you know everything?" Reanna skips towards her until she is a step behind Roza.

"I've been here since 1091. I know almost every soul that has entered Heaven. I know how it works and the difference between each angel." She quickly blinks her eyes and turns to Reanna with a smile. "If there is anything that you need I will happily get it for you."

"You've been here for 931 years?" She whispers.

Reanna steps towards her, grabs her shoulders, and stares at Roza. She stares back, her shoulders dropped as she looks into Reanna's eyes. Her eyes were wide, analyzing her face. Roza's eyes swell with tears. Reanna saw that Roza was younger than her. She was 16, barely an adult.

"How much pain have you been through?" Reanna whispers, putting her hand on her shoulder

How many deaths have you listened to...? Or seen...? How did you die?

Reanna wraps her arms around Roza and pulls her into a tight hug. Tears escape her eyes, falling down her face until they land on Reanna's stomach.

"Let it all out," Reanna says, rubbing circles on her back

They stay like that until her tears dry up. She looks up at Reanna and gives her a forced smile.

"Thanks for your empathy. I appreciate it." She sniffles, wiping her tears away. "I've been dead for a long time. I don't feel guilty for my actions. I need you to do the same." Reanna unwraps her arms, bringing them to her side. Roza leans back and continues. "Now, let's go. We need to find your memories,"

Wait..she said guilty. Why?

Reanna crosses her arms and shoots Roza a glare.

"How did you know I feel guilty?" She says angerly. Roza stops walking and lowers her head."And don't give me that crap about others feeling guilty too," Reanna crosses her arms.

Roza turns to her and lets out a forced laugh.

"Fine, you caught me." She raises her hands up. "I know everything about you. I know that you blame yourself for your sister's death, and wish that you never left your brother with your parents, "

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