Too Blind To See

28 3 6

4 Days Later, In Purgatory

Reanna looks at the room that they flew into. Bookshelves lined the wall, filled with leather books that had numbers on the spine. The breeze blew her hair into her face, she looked back to see a stack of papers on the ock desk in front of the large open window.

"Where are we?" She quietly asks her teacher.

"Death's office,"  He coldly says, turning his back to her. 

Tightly grabbing the satchel on her hip, she gulps.

"So... what do we do?" 

"You show the documents to Death and then go back. I have a few tasks to do," He says, opening the doors.

"Will he-" The instructor walks through the doors and disappears. "kill me?.." She says with a sigh.

"Why do I even ask.." She mutters to herself.

Taking the bag off she places it on the chair in front of the desk and gave it a pat. Slowly she walks to one of the bookshelves. There were 4 placed side by side, she raised her shaking hand to the books as her breath hitched.

Is this it? Is this where they keep the copies of the lives that died? 

Glancing at the books she saw that each book had four different numbers. 

They were years, each book is a year.

Her hands graze the spine of the books, throughout each shelf. Her lips quiver as she mouths out each of the titles.


Is this what happens to our lives, we suffered for years just to become a name on a page?

Tears blur her vision, she wipes them away and peals her eyes away. Taking a deep breath, she pushes her fear down. Her breathing slows down. Strolling ahead she grabs the windows and shut them. Shoes echo in the hallway as she clicks the lock.

"I apologize for making you wait, it was not my intention" 

"That okay" Turning her head back, she saw hi. "I-"

A skeleton walke towards her, it wore a black suit with a vest. The black fabric on his skin in front of the dark grey walls made it appear as if he was surrounded by darkness. His white body illuminates in the gaze of the sun. The bones on his hands seemed to be connected by magic.

Reanna didn't move, she stood frozen in place. Her hand was still on the lock as her mouth hung open, watching the skeleton with wide eyes.

"You must be new," He looked up at her as he spoke."I am Death. I have no intention of reaping your soul, if that is what you are afraid of," He said, taking the satchal in his bony hands.

A moment of silence surrounds them. Reanna watches his black eyes but all she saw was darkness. He finally spoke as he took a seat across the desk.

"These souls are the ones I will be reaping,"

He placed the bag on the table and took out the pages, looking through them.

Reanna gulps and takes a deep breath.

I just need to ask him about Dena, it's not so hard

Reanna opened her mouth but she quickly closed it, too afraid to speak.

"I am sorry. I tend to forget that my appearance is unusual to angels... I have lived with it so long that it retains become second nature to me," He looks up at her. "Would you like me to change my appearance to make you more comfortable?"

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