Chapter 3

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Assalam please follow and do your salats first this book can always wait. I do not want anyone missing out their prayer because of my book.

India: Delhi

February 2022
10 years later

Layla  Pov

In the last 10 years something extremely terrible had happened with me. I now live in India: Delhi with my Nana (mother's side grandfather) and Nani (mother's side grandmother). I love them just the way I love my parents. My Nani (mother's side grandmother) is just like my own mother and I share my daily routine with her. Sometimes I wish I can share everything with her the way I used to share it with ammi (mother) that way life would be much better. Unfortunately I'm no longer the same Layla.

I have changed alot I am no longer that sweet and innocent Layla who thinks good about all and who never talks back at anyone. I trust no one  and everyone is known peron to me, but no one is my friend. I have gained trust issues and no longer talk to people unless it is for a professional reason.

The only people I talk freely with is my grandparents. They know everything because ammi (mother) have told them everything about what happened. Mother is the only person who believes me besides my grandparents. Abbu (father) never believed my innocences.

People always used to say that a mother knows what her children are capable of doing. I never believed in that but now I know that it is very true.

I don't know why but today I'm missing my ammi (mother) too much. Why I feel this way I don't really know. Suddenly I feel extremely sad and tears roll down my cheeks. Ammi (mother) I cry out holding her and abbu (father) photo frame in my hands.

My sobs became louder and louder before Nani (mother's side grandmother) cames ranning in.

"Beta (my child), what happened your missing your ammi (mother) again." Nani asks with a concern in her voice.

I nod my head in yes and hug Nani and feel that my ammi (mother) is near me.

"Call her, use my phone, so that if your father picks it up then he won't know it. Also if he picks up I will talk. Call here." she hands me her phone.

I take Nani (mother side grandmother) phone and dial our house number. Mother does not own a cellphone.

"Hello, Assalam." it was abbu (father) who picked up the phone. My breath hitched and my breathing became heavy. "Who is this and why are you phoning, if you don't want to speak." father demands in an angry tone. Nani soon realises and takes the phone from me.

"Assalam beta (son) Ali. It's me your mother in law."

"Wasalaam ammi (mother in India people call their mother in law also as mother), why where you not talking, you usually start talking immediately Abbu (father) asks Nani.

" No, dear it's just that...... when I had phoned someone had came to the door so I was just checking who it was before getting back at you. So how are you and my daughter."

"We are fine Alhumdalilu (by the grace of Allah). How are you and father."

"We both are also fine Alhumdalilu. Where is my daughter?"

"She is in the kitchen I'll call her. Zoya mother is on the phone she is calling you!"

Nani (grandmother) handed me the phone.

"Assalam" ammi (mother) says with a sad voice. "Ammi Ali is also here." mother says knowing that I'm on the phone and that she will have to call me by her ammi's name.

"Wasalaam ammi (mother) I really miss you and abbu." I cry out loud.

"Mere beti" (my child)  ammi says very lowly so that I can only hear and not abbu (father).  "Do not worry Allah(swt) is by your side and do not worry because even if the whole world accuses you Allah (swt) knows the truth and nobody can frame Allah (swt). It's just a test from Allah (swt). One day your father will also know the truth. Allah hazif. "

I've gotten so emotional after ten long years. All these years mother and I always called and spoke to each other, but I don't know why today was something else.


I have studied teaching and today is my first day to teaching. I'll teach grade one, children since I love kids. I did change but my love for children never ended. I still love them to bits. Sometimes I wish to be stuck in that stage of life carefree and full of life, but sadly not everyone wishes are granted.

I get dressed and walk down the stairs and I was about to skip breakfast as always but again Nani (mother's side grandmother) sees me and stand right in front of me.

"My child, you do know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Nani says smirking at me.

I can't refuse her and if I do she will start with her emotionally drama and then I'll be late for my first day because I know that she won't let me leave without having breakfast.

After breakfast I book a cab reach my school. I walk over to one of the children and after exchanging greetings I ask her what her name is.

"Noor, my name is Noor Ahmed." she replies to me with a cute smile. She is too adorable.

"Okay little one, my name is Miss Khan it is so lovely to meet you."

"No, I'm not a little one and nobody calls me that besides dada (father)."  Too cute I thought.

"So Noor can you please show me where your principles office is."

"Sure Miss Khan please follow me." She uses please which means she has very good manners at this young age. It would be such a pleasure to meet her parents.

After meeting the principal and discussing everything with him I came to my class. Before I now it the bell rings and everyone entres the classroom.

"Good morning children I am your new teacher and my name is Miss Khan" I greet the class

"Good morning Miss Khan" everyone replies. I scan the classroom just to look for Noor, but to my disappointment she wasn't there.

Life goes on I thought and ask everyone their names. I am in the middle of asking each child their name when I hear a knock on the door.

I turn to face the person and am shocked to see the person on the other  side waiting to enter the room.


Assalam guys I will try to update every week. But no promises. I am free at the moment but soon will be a busy person so the updates won't be too quick. Also don't worry our male lead will soon came.





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