Chapter 5

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Assalam please follow and do your salats first this book can always wait. I do not want anyone missing out their prayer because of my book.

Layla Pov

It is after work hours and I had informed Nana and Nani (mother's side grandparents) that I would be a bit late as today there is a party and the host of it is me arranged by my colleagues at the principal house.

I told them it isn't necessary, but they forced me saying that they always do it for the new teachers to make them feel welcomed. I tried backing out saying that I already feel welcomed but they refused.

The cab driver parks the car at the principal house and I walk towards an area where not much people where sitting. I took a glass of cool drink from the waiter and start sipping it.

I am looking around and someone tap my shoulder to gain my attention. I look up at the person and to my horror it is a male species.

"Excuss me, next time don't touch me. My religion forbids me from male touches."

"Okay, I'm sorry about that I forgot the muslim have the no touching business. Can we start again. Hi my name is James."

"Good evening, I am Layla Khan." I reply.

"Why are you being so formal, it's a party for goodness sake."

"Can you please stop talking to me! I don't want to be rude, but as you might have noticed in the few days that I've worked at the school that I am very reserved. So will you please excuse me." I got up from my seat and move away.

I turned back to look at James to see a very hurt look on his face. It broke my heart to look at someone I hurt look like that but it's just a way to protect my heart. I hate it when I hurt people but there is nothing that may stop it. It's all because of you Fatima, I hope you die a painful death one day.

I checked the time to see it is already 11pm and I quickly walk outside the house. I am standing on the road for 10 minutes before I realise that at this hour there are no cabs available. Since I had already greeted the people there I can't go back and ask for a lift from anyone and in any case everyone is still in full party mode.

I start walking and suddenly I see a gang of drunk alcoholics. They are drinking as if there is no tomorrow. I ignore them but it seems as if they have other plans.

I start walking faster in fact I start ranning as fast as I could but before I know it they caught up with me.

They form a circle and start ranning around me like sick people. There is no escape for me so now I would use my little fighting skills I have gained after caming to India. I throw a punch in one of the guys face and he stumbled back.

"Looks like beauty with brains she won't scream for help like all of our other victims." another sick man commented.

" I don't need any man for my protection. I can defeat you all by myself."

"Oh, really with your soft and silly hands. They feel so smooth." the same man which I punched early comments.

I grab two men's head and knock it with each other but before I could do anything else two men took hold of both of my hands. Ya Allah please save me. My dignity lies in your hands. You are my only protector and my only saver. I know in normal people will always scream help, but I believe in your help Allah please save me.


Azaan Pov

Its evening now and time to put Noor to bed.

The Unknown Truth Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora