Chapter 20

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I pulled open the door and my eyes widened with surprise when I saw the least expected person standing before me.

"Mrs Kingston," I said unknowingly tightening my hold on the doorknob.

Sometimes I tend to hold things too tight when I'm nervous or just anxious.

What is she doing here?

I met her once at a business party. but didn't talk much as Ethan didn't let me to.

She is a striking image of Ethan with her blue eyes and black hair. She is just an inch or two taller than me.

She is dressed in a pair of clothes which could scream rich even from afar.

"Ethan is not home yet," I said to her wondering why would she come here.

She just gave me a small smile in return before answering.

"I know... Can I come in?" she asked me politely.

What should I do?

But it will be rude if I don't let her in.

After all, she is Ethan's mom.

But they are not on good terms right now.

I nodded my head slowly not knowing what to do exactly and opened the door wide to let her in.

She gave me a small smile and entered in.

I led her way to the living room. she sat on the couch.

"Do you want anything, Mrs Kingston?" I asked her and she declined the offer.

We stayed silent for a minute not knowing what to talk about.

I waited for her to start talking about something and she finally did.

"Your house is nice." She spoke.

"Thanks." I nodded my head at her not knowing how to respond.

"How is my son, Lauren?" she asked me after a while.

I looked up at her face when she spoke, and saw her smile didn't touch her eyes when she asked me the question.

It was a sad smile.

It was a smile you do when you remember a beautiful memory from the past which is strong enough to make you happy and also sad at the same time.

Happy because that memory exists in your heart.

And sad because the memory is short-lived, no matter what you can't relive the memory.

"He is fine Mrs Kingston," I reassured her bringing her out of her thoughts.

"I'm so sorry to show up all of sudden." She said rubbing her face and chuckling nervously.

"It's Alright. Don't worry." I said to her taking a deep breath.

The awkwardness and silence are loud between us.

"I'm glad you are my daughter-in-law, Lauren. You seem kind and look pretty. Ethan is lucky to have you." she spoke giving me a gentle smile.

So, she doesn't know the reality of our marriage.

I looked up at her and she looked nothing more than a sad, lonely woman trying to hide beneath the façade of all those rich clothes and expensive makeup products.

But her eyes showed her sadness.

But why would Ethan hate her for no reason?

"I'm sorry if I sound rude Mrs Kingston, but your son and you are not on good terms. Then why exactly are you here?" I asked not beating around the bush anymore.

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