Bonus chapter

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Author's notes...

I'm sorry I deleted this chapter by mistake so I had to re-upload it.

This is not a regular chapter. Just a series of one shots you can say. They are not interconnected.


During Lauren's birthday...

"Stop acting like that, Alice." Chris glared at me turning his head sideway to glance at me before returning his eyes back to the road.

Chris and I are currently in his car going back to the city from the cottage house. It was Lauren's birthday today, so it was Ethan's idea to plan a trip to celebrate her birthday in the mountains like she always wanted. To give the married couple some privacy, we decided to return back in the evening. If we wouldn't, I'm sure Ethan will kick us out to keep Lauren to himself.

So, here we are, in Chris' car. My original idea was to go third wheel Ryan and Eva but Ryan practically begged me to go in Chris' car and I had no other option left except to go with the Goblin.

Damn, third wheeling is hard. Even best friends become backstabbing bitches when they fall in love and get someone else.

"Stop what?" I ignored Chris and looked out of the window looking at the passing trees and cars. It looks like a deserted area.

"Acting like that." He glared at me and I had to scoff at his audacity.

"You need to explain, Mr. Know it all. I'm not you." I eyed him.

"Ignoring me. Acting as if I don't even exist in front of you. Stop ignoring me."

"Should I remind you that it was you who ignored me first?" I exhaled as the memories rushed back.

This all happened because of that stupid kiss. The kiss wasn't stupid, it was beautiful. Anyway, ignoring my usual bad luck in men, I took my chance, mustering up my courage and kissed him. Only for him to pull back as if I've done the absurd thing he could ever imagine and left me all alone, letting me look like an idiot. He didn't even try to explain himself and completely avoided talking about that kiss even when I tried to.

And that was my last straw of patience. The one time, I tried taking the first move it backfired on me. Badly. And naturally, I avoided him to not look like an idiot anymore. If he can act like nothing happened, I can too.

But it would be huge lie If I said that his silence didn't hurt me. It pained me to even breath that he didn't like me enough to even kiss me back. The urge to hide under a blanket and cry like a baby overpowered me but I always had control over my emotions. I vowed to myself that I would never cry over someone who is not worth it. And Chris wasn't worth my tears. Liar.

"You took me offguard, Alice."

"Okay. I'm sorry."


"Yeah. I'm sorry. I should't have done that. It was clearly a mistake."

"A mistake?"

"The kiss. It was a huge mistake, I can see it now."

"You don't mean it."

"I definitely mean it."

"So, you're going to act this way from now? Ignoring me and glaring at me all the time."

"Yes." It's better this way.

He steered the car to the side of the road stopping in the middle of nowhere amidst the deserted looking area and got out of the car slamming the door.

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