Chapter 37

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Am I being a bitch right now?


Was hurting Ethan on my today's to-do list?

No. but I still hurt him.

I didn't feel good doing this but I think we need some alone time away from each other. He can't just call me names and then apologise and expect me to act like before. No, I can't do that.

It's not like I'll avoid him for the rest of my life or something like that. I just need to feel that his apology is genuine. At least this time.

I sighed as my mind was filled with all these thoughts and I didn't know what to do.

I have always been an overthinker but never was the decision maker.

It has always been my mother.

She decided everything for me from the dresses I had to wear on my first birthday to my wedding dress.

I never felt bad because I was used to my mother taking decisions. But now standing up for myself or taking a decision seems strange.

Well, I don't even know if I should blame my mother or just appreciate her.

I exhaled feeling exhausted already.

To distract my mind, I decided to talk to someone. Anyone.

I didn't waste any more time picking up my phone and dialing that one person who would never get tired of me, who would always be there to listen to me. to cheer me up.

"Finally, someone did remember me." Alice's cheery voice filled my ears through the phone.

"Don't be so dramatic, Alice." I scoffed playfully at her.

"We both know that drama is one of the many good things I'm good at."

"Ah, there she is. Self-obsessed bitch." I scoffed playfully.

"I know. Now tell me. did something happen?" her voice changed from goofy to serious.

"You speak as if I call you only when something bad happens."

"Prove me if I'm wrong in saying that, Lauren," she spoke in a very fake sweet voice making me cringe.

"You aren't completely wrong though." I shrugged knowing that she couldn't see my action.

"Well, who cares." I know she must have rolled her eyes saying that.

I smiled at her words.

"So, what happened, Mrs Kingston?" although that name gave me butterflies, I tried masking it by pretending annoyance.

"Don't call me that, Alice."

"Ooh. So, Ethan is the problem right now. What did he do?"

"Nothing. We just had an argument and now I'm ignoring him."

"Aw, such couple goals." I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic tone.

"I'm so glad I'm single right now." She continued.

"You wouldn't be for long, Alice." I raised my eyebrows saying that.

Alice is naturally pretty with her forest green eyes and freckles. Anyone would turn twice to look at her again. She has got that charm.

But Alice is materialistic in nature. I mean we all are but she has a love for materialistic things a bit more. She loves jewellery. She loves luxuries. She loves fancy things. She loves anything that sparkles.

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