Chapter one

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AN: Harper is a non-binary person and uses they/them pronouns, and that's why there's so much of they/them/their in the text. try not to get confused!
In the picture above you can see Sienna on the left and Harper on the right.

Posted: 21.7.2022


Harper was sitting in a booth at a local bar with their friends. There was Tommy, Harper's best friend, who already had some drunk cutie by his side from the bar. There was also Cindy with her partner Emma, and Oscar. Those were the five people that formed the friend group Harper was a part of. At first it was just Harper and Tommy, but since high school Cindy and Oscar have been a part of the group too.

It was a beautiful Saturday night in July and the friends were celebrating Harper's birthday. They turned twenty-one last tuesday but the friends decided to celebrate it on the weekend so everyone could participate. 

While Tommy was flirting with the blonde in his arms and Cindy was doing something inappropriate with her partner, their hands under the table, Harper just sat there sipping their drink. Oscar was nowhere to be seen since he left for the dance floor some time ago. The friends had already been at the bar for a good few hours and Harper was pretty drunk at this point. 

"I think I'm gonna head home now." Harper said to Tommy, who just nodded in between kissing and flirting with the girl next to him. So, Harper decided to just get up and leave, since everyone else was having the time of their lives. Harper left the booth and exited the bar, hoping to catch a cab outside. 

After waiting for a few minutes, they decided to walk instead. The bar wasn't very far from Harper's home so it wouldn't be a long way. But, instead of going home, they sat on a bench and took their phone out of a pocket to send a text before continuing the walk. 

"Are you home? Or awake? Or both, you know, awake at home" 

Harper sent this message to the one person they shouldn't be texting at this time of the night. After waiting a while, Sienna's name popped up on Harper's screen, meaning that she answered the message. 

"Yes I'm home. Is everything okay?" 

Harper didn't answer the text, only read it. They put their phone back into the jean pocket where it was before, as they stood up and started walking towards Sienna's place. Gladly, Sienna lived pretty close to Harper so it wasn't a long walk either. Although, they were pretty drunk so walking in this state wasn't that easy. 

Despite the struggles of walking, Harper finally arrived at the right building and got lucky when a neighbour was just exiting the apartment building, so they could get in without asking Sienna to come open the front door. Harper stumbled up a few stairs before finding their way to Sienna's door. After taking a deep breath, Harper knocked on the door hoping Sienna hadn't fallen asleep while Harper walked there.

Soon, the door finally opens and there's Sienna, looking at Harper with her beautiful greyish-blue eyes, wearing a satin pajama dress. She's so hot god damn it, thought Harper to themself.

"Why are you here at this hour?" 

"I just really wanted to see you." 


"Can I come in? Please?"


Sienna looked frustrated but she still gave Harper a little, genuine smile as the two got inside the apartment. Harper undressed from their shoes and leather jacket, then walked to the living room. 

"So, you wanted to see me?" Sienna asks with a raised brow as she sits down on the couch. Harper follows her to the couch, and turns to look at the lady next to them.

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