Chapter five

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"I love you."

After Harper said that, Sienna lifted her head up and looked Harper into their eyes. She couldn't believe what the other had just said, and she hoped to have heard them wrong.

"Sorry. That slipped, I shouldn't have said that." Harper apologised as they sat up on the bed, taking a little distance from Sienna.

"Oh… Okay. It's okay." Sienna said, confused. Did Harper mean it? Were they for real… Do they really love Sienna?
But that is something Sienna could never ask from Harper. She would never know for sure if Harper actually meant it.

"Uhm, I should probably go." Harper said as they got up from the bed and grabbed their boxer shorts from the floor, pulling them on. Sienna also got up from the bed and wrapped herself in a nightgown.

Harper dressed up, in silence as neither of them said anything. Sienna kept watching as Harper dressed, wanting to say something but she just couldn't get herself to do it. Maybe it'd be easier if both of them thought it was just sex and nothing more, and it never would be. Although, Harper wants nothing as badly as to love Sienna openly, and Sienna… She isn't sure about her feelings towards Harper, but she'd be lying if she said that there weren't any.

"Yeah, so… I'll see you at work tomorrow."

"Yes. See you."

Harper then proceeded to walk out the door, closing it behind them. They kept wishing that Sienna would run after them and confess her love towards Harper too, but they knew that Sienna didn't love them and would just say it back because Harper said it.
Because Harper carpooled that day, they had to walk home from Sienna's, but it was only a few hundred meters, so it wasn't a long walk.

When Harper came home, they left their shoes and jacket near the front door and then got into the bedroom, plopping on the bed. Their thoughts were all messed up and the only thing they could think about was Sienna. Harper truly thought they loved the woman, but saying it out loud… it was an accident and it was a huge mistake. Without saying it they might have had a chance of continuing as friends, but now…
Now that they've confessed their love towards her, there is no going back… And to be honest, why would they want to go back? At least, now the woman knows how Harper really feels.


Time went by slowly. Harper kept going to work with their mother and Sienna, but they didn't talk much with Sienna. Days went by and the two didn't talk about what had happened, what Harper had said. They didn't see each other outside work, and they didn't even work together anymore since Harper already got used to the place and could work alone or with other co-workers.

But today was different. Maybe because it's friday and the weekend is around the corner, or something else, but for some unknown reason Sienna was really happy and smiley in the morning when Harper and Portia had picked her up. She was even cheerful.
Not that it was unlike her to be happy and cheerful, but for the past month even, Sienna had been more blue than bright and shiny like she usually was. But today it seemed like she had gone back to being herself. Which was weird.

The workday was already over, and Sienna and Harper were waiting for Portia to finish off too. The two were already outside, sitting on a bench near the parking lot.

"You have any plans for the weekend?" Sienna asked Harper, looking at them with a bright smile on her face.

"Not really. Probably gonna binge watch some Grey's Anatomy and drink beer. Or just watch Grey's Anatomy."

"Oh, okay, cool."

"Sorry, but… Are you okay?" Harper finally asked. They were a little concerned about Sienna and her odd behaviour.

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