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Harry's POV:

It's not long before Louis knocks himself out from exhaustion.

And the second his eyes close, tears begin to fall out of my eyes.

Not because I just killed my best mate, I couldn't give a fuck about the lifeless body on the floor right now, but because of what I have done to Louis's life by being in it.

The person I trusted with my Louis, tried to rape him.

I don't think I have ever felt more rage in my entire life than the rage I felt when I heard Louis screaming in pain and begging Maverick to get off of him.

He's probably lucky that I was armed from the mission I just finished because if I hadn't killed him right there, I would have done a hell of a lot worse to him.

I forgave myself for Louis getting kidnapped even though the guilt still eats away at me daily. But this time I'm not forgiving myself.

I love Louis, with every fiber in my body. But I'm not going to fuck up this life anymore, I can't do it. I'm not putting him in danger for my happiness any longer. It's not fair to him.

I pick up his tiny practically lifeless body and grab him a change of my own clothes before walking us to the guest room, I know he won't want to sleep in that room, especially since Maverick's body hasn't been taken care of but I'll make some calls while he's asleep.

I set him down on the bed gently, I change him into one of my sweaters which swallows him whole.

I slip into the bed next to him and hold him tight, afraid because I know I am going to have to let him go.

By the time the sun comes up I'm already on the phone with Edward and Liam, painfully explaining to them all that happened.

They lost their shit, rightfully so both ridden with worry.

I gave them both my word that I would protect Louis, they both trusted me, and I let them down.

I'm a fucked up person who lives a fucked up life, I knew this, and I brought Louis into my world anyways. He's perfect, innocent, and doesn't deserve to have to go through this shit.

So I explained to the boys that I would let him go, and that I was sorry but I am going to allow him to live his normal life, the life he deserves.

They both didn't get it at first. In fact, Liam screamed at me for nearly ten minutes mad because he thought I was just dumping his baby brother. But after an overwhelmingly long explanation from me, they were more or less just forced to accept it. They still weren't happy because they knew Lou would be beyond upset but I know that part of them understands and I know eventually they will be grateful that I've done this.

I wasn't going to do this to Louis anymore.

My eyes never leave his sleeping figure, he looks peaceful. Just so beyond precious.

He had tiny little kitten-like snores coming from his parted lips. I don't want to wake him, force him to remember what has happened to him. I can't see the tears, it's selfish to say but they pain me.

I know the boys will on their way over to come to get Louis in not too long, they said they wanted to see him and wanted to talk to me, meaning that I have to wake him up. No matter how much I don't want to.

I cup his tiny face in the palm of my hand as I rub his smooth cheek with my thumb, causing him to stir a little bit.

Before he becomes reorientation he snuggles into me with a small smile on his face but once he opens his eyes and thinks for a moment, his face falters.

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