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Louis's POV:

The next morning I find myself sitting in the front seat of Harry's intimidatingly nice car, giggling my head off at some corny knock-knock joke he tried to tell me.

"God Harry that was the worst thing I have ever heard," I say, almost not able to breathe at how hard I am laughing.

"Really? Cause it seems like you thought it was funny to me." Harry mocks,

That just makes me laugh even more.

"Thank you for driving me by the way, I know it's sorta out of your way." I smile at him as my laughter slowly fades.

"My pleasure darling, couldn't have you walking and spilling coffee on anyone else now could we?" He responds with a smirk, making me gasp slightly.

"Harry," I groan out embarrassed.

I honestly had forgotten that even happened, but now the beyond mortifying memories of that are coming back.

I bury my head in my hands embarrassed.

"Aw, no baby don't get all shy now. That was the best day of my life," He says, stroking my thigh as he drives.

"Me ruining your shirt and stealing your jacket was the best day of your life?" I ask, slight sarcasm in my voice.

"No sassy boy," He starts, making me blush as I pull my hands away from my face to look at him.

"Meeting you was the best day of my life," He corrects, making my face heat up even more.

I try to hold back the big smile that spreads across my face.

"Me too," I say quietly.

Harry just smirks some more as he keeps his eyes on the road and his hand on my thigh.

"The boys told me you ate some breakfast this morning. I'm proud of you little one, I know that had to have been difficult. He suddenly says a few moments later.

I smile wider at the praise.

"Yeah, thank you Hazzy," I say, being completely honest.

With some convincing from the boys, I ate a full piece of toast this morning. It was hard but by the time my plate was empty, I was actually sorta proud of myself.

I mean I know there was no real reason to be, all I did was eat a piece of bread, but I still couldn't help but be happy.

The rest of the car ride Is silent as both of us just sit there and enjoy each other's company.

But sadly enough Harry eventually pulls up into the school parking lot.

"I don't wanna go," I say turning to him with a frown.

He gently grasps my chin before slowly kissing my pout away.

"Mhm I don't want you to go either love, but your brothers would have my head if they knew I let you ditch," Harry says as he presses our foreheads together.

"We don't have to tell them," I suggest, only partially joking.

Harry chuckles a bit before pecking my lips again.

"My naughty boy," He says as he leans back into his seat.

"Is that a yes?" I ask, pushing my luck.

"No baby, you have to go to school. But how about this, I'll pick you up once you are done and we can go back to my place and I'll make you dinner. Make a whole night out of it." He suggests sweetly.

I smile a bit at the idea and nod eventually.

"Okay," I say, now actually a bit excited.

"Good boy, now get going, I'm pretty sure your first period starts in five minutes, and you will not be late on my account," He says as he looks down at his wristwatch.

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