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Harry's POV:
Two months later

"Harry mate, you have to pull it together. I know you are still upset about Louis but you are fucking this mission right now." Zayn says in a whisper as we walk into the warehouse.

"I actually don't think you know shit," I say, snapping at him as I push him out of my way as I step ahead of him.

He doesn't know shit. No one knows shit.

"You need to focus H. This is life of death and you are acting like we are running errands. It's been months Harry, you need to move on." Niall says, close on my tail.

That sends me over the edge, I pause in my tracks and turn around, which causes both of the boys to look back at me in fear.

I'm the past few months they have seen nothing but anger from me, and they know they are about to get more of that.

"You don't get to talk about my Louis. You fuckers work for me, I am your boss and you don't get to tell me what to do. I don't want to hear Louis's name come out of your mouth again." I say, leaving no room for them to say anything back.

They both nod as I turn my body back around and begin walking.

I haven't heard anything on Louis in weeks. For the first month or so of not seeing Louis, he would text me every day, telling me he didn't understand, that he was sorry for whatever he did, or to say he missed me.

And I lived for every single one of those messages, though some of them broke my heart. But I could never respond, I just couldn't. I couldn't give him false hope, It would have hurt both of us too much. And with that, the messages eventually stopped. Which hurt, but I understood.

I had his brothers sending me daily notes about how he was doing but soon daily turned to weekly and weekly turned to monthly and monthly turned to never.

I thought that it would get easier being away from Louis but it's gotten harder and harder every single day, and I'm genuinely lost.

It's killing me, slowly but surely, I'm not surviving without Louis. I don't know how I was ever happy before meeting Louis because now without him, I just feel empty.

I wake up mad and go to sleep sad. The only thing keeping me going is knowing that Louis is now safe, safe from my life.

For a while, I considered getting Louis a bodyguard, or at least a guard to watch him from afar and report back to me. But I did what I did in the first place because I needed him completely out of that world, and getting him a guard would just bring him right back into it.

"Just give it up Harry. You need him and he needs you." Zayn speaks up again, surprising me a bit.

He was pushing my limits but hearing the words that Louis needs me somehow calms my soul ever so slightly.

"I don't need him," I say, lying straight through my teeth.

I'm not showing these boys any more weakness.

"Yes, you do. The only time I saw you truly happy was when he was around you, and now that he's gone, you're even worse than you were before." Niall continues.

"What Maverick did, wasn't your fault. I know you think it was but it wasn't and you need to accept that. You are going to be miserable for the rest of your life if you don't just forgive yourself." Zayn keeps going.

I then turn and use my arm to pin both of them to the wall by their chests.

"I said I don't fucking need your advice. Last warning." I grit out.

They both are about to roll their eyes before I push my arm deeper into their chest, causing them to nod.

I then drop my arm, leaving both of them gasping for a minute before they begin to follow me.

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