Chapter sixteen: the parents are coming

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I open my eyes, feeling my pillow move. I groan and grab the pillow tighter. "Ow." I hear someone groan. I look and see that my pillow is Justin.

"Sorry." I sigh. I release my grip on him and he looks me in the eyes.

"Don't be sorry, go back to sleep. I promised Mike we would run every morning." He says, quickly kissing my head then getting up.

I sleepily roll over and place a hand on my stomach. "Be careful." I say, and he chuckles.

I open my eyes again and smell breakfast. I get up, luckily I don't have morning sickness, and run down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Mike says as he flips the last pancake onto the plate. Justin comes and wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful." He says, and I feel myself blush. I see Mike turn away and Justin chuckles. Clearly he saw it too, and he let's me go to grab plates. I walk over to Mike and hop on the counter.

"So, where are the girls?" I ask and Mike looks at me.

"Sleeping. How are you doing?" He asks, smiling.

"Good, no morning sickness this morning." I say happily.

"That's good. Hey, can you get the butter and syrup out?" He asks, and I nod, hopping off the counter. I get to the fridge and see the ultrasound picture. I smile as I open the fridge and grab what I need.

We both hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and my noisy phone starts ringing. We all turn and see the girls, breathless, holding out my phone, which I take. "Hello." I answer.

"Nicole, mom and dad are stopping by for a surprise visit tomorrow." Matt says. I freeze in my spot and my friends look at me with worried expressions. "Nicole? Are you there?"

"Yeah... I'm here. You're coming too right?" I ask him as I put a hand on my stomach.

"Yeah they ready asked me to go, and I agreed. They told me not to tell you, but I knew I had to warn you."

"Thank you, and I'm going to tell them. I need to, but not with the others."

"Okay, I'll be there for you. I'll see you soon. Take it easy." He says, and the line goes dead. I put my phone down and look at my worried friends. Justin hugs me and I hug him back.

"They're coming tomorrow, and we have to tell them." I tell him. Nodding his head, he lets me go. He smiles at me, and I force one back.

"Let's relax today, and stay home." He says and everyone agrees. I nod my head, and we all go to the table for breakfast.

"Tomorrow, you guys will have to go out and do something." I tell them.

"Yeah, we can go downtown and shop around." Jade says.

"We'll think of something." Abby says.

"So, you're planing on telling them." Mike says more as a statement than a question.

"Yeah, I don't want you to see how my mom will react." I say as I take a bite of my delicious chocolate chip pancake.

"Well, she would hate it, especially if she knows we knew before her." Abby says.

"Wow, thanks guys. I love the support." I say sarcastically. Justin puts his arm around my shoulders, instantly calming me.

"It will be fine, and I'll be with you."
He says reassuringly.

"So how long have you two been a couple?" Abby asks, raising an eyebrow at us. I feel myself blushing as I look down at my food.

"We haven't really labeled ourselves as a couple, but we've been closer ever since I found out." Justin says.

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