Chapter four: trying to act normal

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I wake up to my alarm clock and force myself to get out of bed. Since I want to try today I put on jeans and a maroon color long sleeve shirt with a black and gray stripped scarf. I put my hair in a nice looking bun, lightly put on makeup and hurry down stairs. I put my toast in the toaster and pour myself some milk. When the toast popped I spread peanut butter and jelly on it.

I hurry and eat my toast as fast as I could and chugged the milk down. Then I race upstairs to brush my teeth. I get down stairs out of breath and there is a knock on the door. I grab my bag and open the door to a smiling Justin. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and follow him hopping in his car.

The car ride was just us listening to the cd. Once we get it school I hop out and head to my locker. Justin walks next to me without saying anything. I open my locker and see he finally got his open. "Hey did that girl have her baby last night?" I ask breaking the silence. He looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah she had a girl. I feel bad for her though. She is too young and now her life is messed up, and the baby's father didn't want anything to do with it." He says taking out the books he needs. I did the same and shut my locker.

"Yeah but at least her family supports her. My parents would kick me out." I say leaning against my locker knowing that might just happen. Justin looks at me weirdly.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't make that stupid mistake." He says and I feel myself blush. "You didn't right?" He questions raising an eyebrow at me.

" I have to go. See you sixth period." I say walking into the direction of my first class.


"So has Seth said anything to you in the halls?" Abby asks as I sit down.

"No, and I don't care if he does. I got over him." I say.

"Oh really. Does that mean there is someone new?" Jade asks. I roll my eyes and feel Justin nudge my foot with his.

"Hey are you guys excited for Easter this weekend?" I ask to get on a new topic. They all nod their heads, and start to eat their lunches.

"Hey our families are still getting together right?" Justin asks looking at me.

"Yeah is it at mine or your's this year."

"I don't know." He shrugs his shoulders. I start eating my lunch and take out some homework. "Hey I have practice today. I forget to tell you earlier, so I can't bring you home today." He looks at me apologetic.

"It's okay thanks for telling me I will just text Matt." I say shrugging it off like it was no problem. The guys look confused but don't say anything. I take my phone out and text Matt asking him to pick me up from school, and he says he would be there. I'm surprised they still had practice I thought it ended a week ago.


"Why isn't Justin bringing you home?" Matt asks as I get in the car.

"He said they had practice." I say buckling up.

"Yeah right...what did you say to him today?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Nothing really. But yesterday I told him he was cute." I whisper the last part trying to be completely honest.

"He probably thinks you are mad so he will do some detective work asking your girlfriends, and the guys. You just have to act normal around him." He says clearly not hearing the last part.

"How can I do that after sleeping with him and he doesn't even remember, and now I think I'm starting to like him." I say putting my head in my hands. He rubs my back with one hand as he kept driving.

We get home and I go to my room and curl up in a ball. Matt comes in and watches me. "It will all be good in the end don't worry." He says trying to sooth me. He comes and sits next to me, and I turn over to curl into him.

"You don't think I just lost my best friend?" I ask fearing that I did.

"No you two are stronger than you think. Just act like nothing happened." Then we hear a knock on the front door. I look at Matt and he gets up to go get it. "Hey, what are you doing here? I heard you have practice." I hear Matt say when the door opens.

"Where is Nicole I need to talk to her." Justin says and I hear the door close.

"In her room. You are freaking her out she thinks you hate her." I hear footsteps come up the stairs and they start to get closer. I close my eyes trying to pretend I am sleeping. My bed dips as he sits next to me and he puts his arms around me pulling me on him. "I sorry." He whispers. I open my eyes and look up at his face.

"I'm sorry too. I have been acting weird...the whole Seth thing really messed with me." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek. He hugs me tight and kisses my head.

"Just forget about him. Everything will be alright. I'm not mad at you, why would I be." He says hugging me close not wanting to let me go. I just leave it at that and stay there in his arms. That's when I realize I have homework to do.

"Justin as much as I would like to fall asleep like this, we have homework to do." I say trying to get out of this grip.

"That's okay we do it all the time one day won't kill our grades." He says not letting me go. He does have a point, so I stop and stay on him feeling my eyes grow heavier. I close them hopefully falling asleep, but then I hear the front door and the smell of Chinese food fills the air.

"Can we put this on is calling me." I say in total seriousness and my stomach growls. Justin laughs and lets me go. I sprint down the stairs with Justin right behind me.

"Wow I didn't have to call you. Oh mom and dad are out late again tonight." Matt says unpacking the food.

"Of course they are." I say taking a seat.


"Hey let's go watch a movie in my room. Matt you want to join?" I say after I cleared off the table.

"No you two just go, but don't stay up too late you guys have school tomorrow." Matt says walking up the stairs to go to his room. When we get to my room I look to Justin who closes my door.

"What should we watch?" I ask going to the movie collection I have in my room.

"How about...21 jump street." He says walking to my bed. I take out the movie and put it in the player. I hit the lights and walk to my bed curling up on Justin's chest. "I love this." He says and hugs me tighter.

"Me too." I say being honest. I get through most of the movie laughing with Justin. My eyes get really heavy though, so I closed them.

"I'm sorry I lied to you about practice."

"Don't worry about it. You just wanted to give me space...I get it."

"That's not why...but you will see why soon." He kisses the top of my head, and I fall asleep the best way I can...on Justin's chest.
Hoped you guys liked it. Do you think she can go back acting like nothing happened?

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