Chapter 40 - Final Chapter

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Author's note: 

This chapter immediately follows the last one, so you may want to reread that to get up to speed, or read a few chapters back for context if it's been a while. 

As crazy as it is to say this... this is LWTBB's final chapter. Obviously, I haven't written in like two years, and this was never how/where I planned to end the story. HOwever, life stuff definitely got in the way of my plans (though more on that later, in my sappy final author's note) so... here we are. I thought this story deserved an ending, however imperfect. I did my best with writing an final chapter that brought some closure, while still fitting with the vibe of the rest of the story. Just be aware of that fact while you're reading. Other than that, however... enjoy.

Most of the time when Jase looks at me like this, so intense and stormy, I force myself to look away. I don't like constantly deciphering what he's feeling. It's like a challenge, a dare that I don't quite think I'm up to.

Today, though, is different. His gaze is intense, but I think I sense some sort of concern in it as well. He's leveling a stare at me because he wants to see if I'm alright, if this stupid gossip has broken me.

Well, it hasn't. And so I stare back. A challenge.

I'm sorry, his gaze seems to tell me, brows knitting together ever-so-slightly. I have to fight the urge to roll my eyes. Instead, I give an almost imperceptible shake of my head. He can't give me that look – not when it's his friends being assholes, all based on a rumor that he could dispute in moments. If Jase stopped caring about his reputation for a second, this could all be fixed.

Which, of course, as Jase looks away, I know he's never going to do.

I step down the last couple of stairs as if this is simply an every-day occurrence for me, ignoring the stares and laughter that follows. I try not to think about the itching feeling that comes with so many eyes on me. It's fine. Everything's fine.

For once, that thought doesn't feel like such a lie. Somehow, insanely, standing in the middle of a room full of people who hate me, I'm actually... okay. I haven't spontaneously combusted or fallen on my face or done something intensely humiliating that's going to haunt me for the rest of eternity.


"So..." I give what I hope is a nonchalant smile as the group continues staring at me like a zoo animal, "Is anyone going to offer me a drink?"

Before I have time to realize that this is absolutely not going to end well, Janine Stark is in front of me, a full glass of some red liquid (Wine? Punch? Who knows) in her hand. God that girl moves fast. "Oh, we're so silly. Here, Sienna, take my drink." She holds it out to me and for a split second I think that she's genuinely just offering it – and then in an instant, her wrist turns and I feel liquid splash onto my shirt, soaking through. I take a step backwards, but it's already too late – the damage has been done. Janine is smirking at me now, her hand still on the outstretched glass, the other one on her mouth in a mock-sorry expression. "Oops."


I wouldn't believe it was Chrissa if I didn't see her shocked expression across the room (kind of rich, coming from someone who set my chemistry lab on fire, but I digress). "That's too far, even with–"

She doesn't get to finish the words, though, because someone else is speaking, pushing past Chrissa and all the others, and pulling me away from Janine.

"That is quite fucking enough, okay? It's enough."

I look up at Jase's face, to the same stormy eyes and set expression I've seen on him a thousand times. This time though, it's lacking any warmth, any light. He's all cold stone anger – anger that's not directed at me, for once.

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