Chapter 13

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Today's my first real shift at Angel's Diner, and I'm kept so busy with customers that I barely even have time to think about what Jase said to me. I mean, on one hand, he left me at home to miss school, but on the other hand, he did pick me up again. And he... said I looked good? Or was that a joke? Does Jase... think I'm pretty? Is it just one of his stupid games? Why am I even supposed to care?

"Did you get that, miss?" the elderly man asks me, breaking me out of my stupor. I blink, practically jumping up in surprise. "R-right. Sorry, sir. Could you repeat that?"

So... maybe I am thinking about Jase.

I finish writing down the man's order, stopping on my way back to the kitchen to grab some dirty plates from another table. As I reach the kitchen and feel exhaustion wash over me, I see a brunette girl in my same waitress uniform point to an empty chair next to her. I take the seat, glad to have a break. I suddenly have a huge appreciation for service workers. Even a couple hours of waitressing is exhausting.
"I'm Cece," the girl next to me says, untying her apron. She eyes me with a warm smile, looking at me like she's excited to get to know me, not like she's trying to judge me. It's refreshing.

"Sienna," I say, giving her a smile in return. "And wow, I'm exhausted."

"I know!" she says. "I'm pretty sure this job is the most exercise I've done all year. It's your first day, right?"

I nod.

"Don't worry," she says. "It gets easier after a while. When I first started, I can't tell you how many times I tripped over chairs, people, coats. One time, my foot got caught in a dog leash and I ended up spilling this guy's gumbo all over him! I think he was traumatized, I haven't seen him since."

I laughed. "Well, that makes me feel way better. I keep spacing out when people order, it's so embarrassing."

"Got something on your mind?" Cece asks.

More like someone on my mind.

"Nah, not really. I'm just not always the best with people," I admit.

"I'm sure you're doing just fine," Cece says. She looks down and checks the time on her sticker-covered cell phone. "Shit. I'm gonna be late." She stands you abruptly, grabbing her bag. "I'm sorry, Sienna, I have to go. I have a doctor's appointment that I'm going to be late for. But I'll be here tomorrow, if you're still working then."

I nod as she leaves, then turn back when I hear a number called out- the order number for one of my tables.

After talking to Cece, I notice that most of the tables are now empty. I give a woman her blueberry pancakes and am about to turn around when something catches my eye. No, scratch that. Someones. My heart sinks.

It's Tyler, Cody, Janine, Chrissa and... Jase. About to walk in here.

I can already tell this is not going to go great.

I take plates from three more tables, then hurry back to the kitchen, where I lean against the counter, trying to calm myself down. I know what this is. I'm catastrophizing. I don't know the outcome of this- I don't know if Jase will be an ass or if Chrissa will recognize me as the girl who found out her secret. It'll probably be fine. I'll serve them pancakes, they'll pay me, and we'll all be on our merry way, and everything will be fine.

I take as long as I possibly can in the kitchen before I'm forced to head back out into the unknown. But it's going to be fine.

At first I think that Chrissa doesn't recognize me as I walk up to the table and she barely looks up. "Hi, guys. What can I get for you today?"

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