...An Explanation

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Hello guys! I know, it's been a long time hasn't it :/ 

I thought that after two months, you guys all deserved an explanation. Because no, I haven't been kidnapped or fallen into a ditch these last few months or gotten amnesia or anything else that would explain my absence.

In truth... I don't really have a reason for not updating in two (??) months... I guess I just hit a wall in my writing, like a really really bad case of writer's block. I realized just how long this story was (80,000 words!!!) and how I was only halfway through and didn't want to keep working on the same thing forever, and the truth is that... a lot of things have been changing in my life recently. I feel like this is getting too pErsOnaL and I should just shut up and write, but... I'm just trying to be honest here. My life has been crazy recently and it's been difficult to be inspired by the same old thing I guess? Anyways this is a very longwinded and nonsensical explanation and what I'm really trying to say is that I don't have an explanation. Writing just... sucks sometimes. 

So I'm sorry. I'm sorry to those who read my story and care about it (if those people even exist lmao) and I'm sorry that I just randomly stopped being consistent and dropped off the face of the earth. Thank you guys for reading my story and leaving nice comments on it and caring about the plot and things... you don't know how much that means to me. Full disclosure, this entire thing started out as a bit of a joke, but it actually like... means something to me now. And this definitely isn't goodbye because you all deserve some sort of ending, at least. I'm probably going to be writing a couple more chapters just to wrap things up, so apologies if they don't make a ton of sense... the story was supposed to go on for a lot longer and so it'll be difficult to wrap up all the loose ends quickly. Those chapters will be coming to you (hopefully) sometime soon, and maybe... maybe after that, I'll return to the world of Living With The Bad Boy someday, write a real ending for it, or edit whatever mess of a first draft this is. But maybe not. That's okay too. Because I'm currently inspired by other books, want to start other projects outside of my comfort zone and write stories that make me smile and right now... that isn't this.

So thank you for sticking with me all these months. I'll see you soon... and keep an eye out for what I come out with next, because I've had an idea in the works for... a long time now.


ya gal lemon zest

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