Chapter 12

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Willa pov

The whole walk back to the den I don't talk to anyone, I don't make eye contact with anyone. I can't believe I just did that. Especially to Wanda. How could I have done that to her. I love her. When we get to the den, I lock myself in my room.

"I'm a monster," I mutter to myself over and over again, "How could I have done that." A few minutes later I hear a knock at my door and I go to open it.

"Hey," Wynter says standing there, "Can I come in?" I nod and open the door allowing her to go through. I sit on my bed as I feel tears start to peak at the corner of my eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Willa," Wynter tells me, "Wanda is strong. She's going to be okay."

"How can everything be okay?" I ask her, "After what I just did. The pack won't look at me the same. They're going to challenge me and want someone else to lead."

"No they won't. Willa it was just a mistake."

"A mistake that could've killed Wanda!" I yell at her. Wynter takes a step back in surprise.

"Sorry," I apologize, "I didn't mean to. I just...never mind. Maybe you should just go. I'll see you tomorrow."

Wyatt pov

After walking through Seabrook, I finally make it to Addison and Wanda's home. By the time we get there, Wanda is basically passed out. I manage to ring the doorbell and her parents answer it right away.

"What did you do?" her dad accuses me.

"I didn't do anything sir," I say, "I swear." After a lot of convincing, they finally believe that I didn't do this to her. I mean why would I ever do this to Wanda. She's family. Her parents lead me through their house and to Wanda's room where I lay her down carefully onto her bed. They leave as I pull out my phone to call Addison to tell her on Wanda's situation.

It only rings twice before I hear, "Hey Wyatt, what's up?"

"You need to get home now," I tell her, "It's Wanda. There was a situation earlier. I can explain it to you as soon as you get here." Without saying anything else, Addison hangs up the phone on me, only for her and Zed to barge into Wanda's room a few minutes later.

Wanda pov

I wake up to the sound of something crashing and someone squeezing me.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I head Addison say, "Wyatt told me what happened."

I smile before asking, "How did I get here?"

"I carried you," Wyatt responds.

"Thank you," I say. I try sitting up but end up groaning in pain.

"Hey, don't take it too hard yet," Wyatt says.

"I'm literally just trying to sit up," I tell him.

"Let us help," Addison insists. Together with the help of Wyatt, they comfortably get me sitting up and leaning back against my pillows. Addison sits on the edge of my bed near Wyatt as Zed grabs one of my desk chairs. The three of them keep me company until it gets late and Addison walks Zed out, leaving me and Wyatt.

"I should probably get going back to the pack and check on Willa," Wyatt announces.

"Wait," I start, "Can you stay for a bit? At least until I fall asleep." He nods before going back to where he was sitting at the edge of my bed. He helps me lay back down and softly strokes my hair until eventually I find myself in the dream realm again.

Willa pov

Instead of staying cooped up in the den, I thought that I should talk to Wanda and apologize for what I did. But when I get to her house, I make my way over to her window and see Wyatt taking care of her. She's better off without me as a monster, I think to myself, before running back to the den.

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