Chapter 7

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Wanda pov

Addison and I, along with the rest of the wolves are cheering around, all of them being excited for us to join them.

"Addison!" Zed, all of a sudden screams, running into the den. He literally appeared from nowhere.

"Zed!" Addison yells back. He runs up to us and stands in front of the two of us in a protective stance.

"Don't make me take this off, you don't want to see me zombie out," he threatens. Willow, one of the wolves who was talking to me earlier, bares her fangs at him. I try to stop him before it's too late, but Zed removes his Z-band, throwing it somewhere to the side of the cave. His veins become more visible and he growls as he starts to lose more control of himself. I look over to Willa, to see Wyatt standing next to her, ready to fight.

"Wolves!" Willa commands. All the wolves apart from me get prepared to attack Zed at the first word from their alpha.

"Stay back!" Zed growls.

"Zed! You have to stop this!" I exclaim. Addison leaves the area where we are standing and goes to look for Zed's Z-band. While Zed's back is turned towards Willa, she takes this as the perfect opportunity to sneak up and attack him, but he senses her before she can do anything and Zed grabs a hold of her and chucks against the side of the cave. Her back hitting the wall before falling to the ground.

"Willa!" I scream. I run away from Zed and next to Willa, who is groaning in pain on the ground.

"Hey, hey," I say in a calm tone, "You're okay, you're okay." I help her sit up and lean against the wall before assessing to see if she has any other injuries.

"I'm okay," Willa says weakly. The rest of the wolves get ready to attack Zed at any moment not caring whether the alpha has said to or not, given the fact that she is now hurt. All of a sudden, all the growling stops, from both the wolves and Zed. I look from Willa to see that Addison has managed to get the Z-band back on Zed, calming him down. All the wolves relax but still stand threateningly around Zed.

"Zed!" Addison exclaims, "I want to be here. Wanda wants to be here."

"What?" he questions, extremely confused.

"Zed!" I yell, "Do you not even care what you just did? Do you not even care that you hurt their alpha? You could've killed her! And then what would you have done?"

"Wanda," Willa starts, "I'm okay. I'm oka-" She gets cut off when she goes into a coughing fit, holding her chest in pain.

"Willa!" I exclaim again, "It's okay. Breathe. Just breathe." I rub her back until she feels better. Wyatt walks over and helps me support and comfort her. Once she's fully supported by Wyatt, I let go of her and walk closer to Zed growling and baring my fangs. This is the first time I'm fully wolfing out. And it feels good.

"Y-you're a-a werewolf?" he stutters.

"Yeah," I respond, "And you are going to pay for what you did." I walk up to him, my claws out and ready to attack. No one is going to hurt Willa ever again. I owe it to her after everything she's done for me. Right before I lash out and claw at him Addison steps in between the two of us.

"Stop!" she yells, "Wanda. Breathe. You have to stop this."

"What?" I exclaim, my eyes returning back to their normal colour, "You're defending him? Are you serious!"

"I'm not defending Zed, but you need to help Willa," she says pointing over to where Willa is still being supported by Wyatt. I scoff, but I know she's right. I back down, away from Zed and rush over to Willa.

"Sorry," I mutter. Taking part of her weight away from Wyatt.

"It's okay," Willa says, "You were just trying to protect me. Thank you." She smiles at me lightly and I mirror the gesture back at her.

"Come on," she tells Wyatt and I, "I need to get something for Addison." Together with the help of Wyatt we help Willa go over to another wolf who is carrying a box in her hands.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You'll see," she responds. I turn my attention back to Addison and Zed who are still standing in the middle of the cave.

"They think I may be a werewolf too," Addison explains to Zed.

"What? How?" he questions her.

"Maybe a grandparent," she states, "My hair means something. This could be my pack!" With that, Willa walks up to the two of them with the box in her hands. Wyatt, Wynter and I follow behind her, Wyatt and I ready to catch her if something bad happens.

"For centuries, this has been set aside for the Great Alpha," Willa says. She opens the box in front of Addison to reveal a moonstone necklace. I've never seen anything like this one. It's completely different from mine and from the rest of the wolves.

"A fully charged moonstone is priceless to us Addison," Wyatt continues.

"If you're truly one of us, when you put it on you'll be transformed into a werewolf," Willa says, "Part of our pack. Forever. Just like your sister." Addison's eyes grow wide. The emotions of fear and excitement shone through clearly. My heart starts beating faster now that Willa just said I'm part of the pack. Technically I don't know if I belong there. But to hear her say it made my heart flutter.

"What?" Zed interrupts, taking me out of my thoughts, "No! Wait!"

Addison sighs, "Can I think about it?"

Willa looks over to where the three of us stand before saying, "For a day." She hands the moonstone to Addison, who carefully takes the box in her hands.

"Once you've joined us, you can lead us to the hidden moonstone," Wyatt says.

"She doesn't know where it is," Wynter states, from the side of Wyatt. All of a sudden the ground starts shaking. Is it an earthquake? What's happening? Seabrook has never had a single earthquake in its entire history. Or at least not one that was bad enough they put it in the textbook. We all run outside standing at the entrance to the den. In the distance we see the lights in Seabrook power flickering. Bonzo speaks something in zombie tounge. And even though I've been around them for quite a while now, I still don't understand their language.

"Yeah. The explosion came from Seabrook Power," Zed translates for us.

"They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow," Addison states.

"Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies," Eliza tells the wolves.

"A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy, and bang!" he continues getting up close to Wynter, "Zombies!" In shock and retaliation she growls at him, making Zed quickly back away.

"Nice story but it doesn't concern us," Willa retorts. I make eye contact with her and give her a look telling her to be nice to my friends.

"But it does concern you Willa," Addison suddenly says, "Seabrook power was fueled by a mysterious energy source," she gasps, "That could be your moonstone, right?"

"She found the moonstone," Wyatt tells Willa, "She's amazing." I see Zed look over at Wyatt, his gaze filled with jealousy.

"If she's right," he mutters, "Wow."

"We'll see you at school tomorrow Addison," Willa states.

"Okay," my sister says, "Tomorrow. Big day." With that she walks off, the rest of the zombies and Bree following behind her.

I'm about to leave with the rest of them when Willa calls out to me, "Wanda." I turn around to look back at the wolves before Willa continues, "Tomorrow at school, I want you to find us right away. We need to find that moonstone." 

I nod, "Don't worry. I'll be there."

"One more thing," Willa adds, "Don't tell Addison. We know that she's your sister and that she may be a wolf. But not yet." I nod again while I sigh. I don't like keeping things from Addison, but for the sake of the wolves, I'll do it. I run off into the forest catching up to the rest of my friends.

"Hey," I say, nudging Zed, "I know what you're feeling towards Wyatt and Addison, but don't worry. There's nothing going on between them."

"There better not be," Zed mumbles, "Or your new wolf friends are going to suffer." I scoff and roll my eyes at him before walking up to the front of the group to get away from him.

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