Chapter 17

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Wanda pov

The next morning, I wake up to see Willa sleeping peacefully as if she never left during the night. Maybe she didn't actually leave. Was I dreaming? Maybe I imagined the whole thing and it didn't actually happen. I'm not even going to bother asking her because lets be honest, I definitely imagined the whole thing.

Soon enough after Willa wakes up, we go visit Wynter, then Wyatt, before we leave the den. I have a bikini underneath because today, we all planned to go to the beach. It's the first day of summer after all. The four of us get to the beach to see Addison, Zed, Bree, and Bonzo already there. I take my huge beach blanket and lay it down on the sand before putting the rest of my stuff on top of it so it doesn't fly away.

"Come on love," Willa calls out to me, "Let's get in the water." She removes her clothes, to reveal a dark purple two piece. Following her, I take off mine, leaving in my sage green bikini. I take her hand as she drags me to the ocean. The moment my foot touches the water, a cold sensation fills my body, but that doesn't stop Willa from pulling me all the way into the water.

"Hey!" I complain. I splash her with water, drenching her whole head.

"It's on," she says with a smirk. She creates a huge splash, sending it my way, getting me more wet than I was before.

"Coming through!" I hear someone yell. I look just in time to see Wyatt running into the water, splashing anyone within a close radius to him.

"Oh come on dude!" I exclaim. I splash him with some water, and it becomes a three way water fight.

"Hey wait for us!" I hear some people call out. I look to see the aliens running into the water to join us. Oh great. I guess in the end, everything was alright, the water fight was huge, with everyone fending for themselves. Once all that was over, I got out of the water and grabbed my towel to start drying myself off then laying on the beach blanket we had. As Wyatt and A-lan leave to get us food, I take a small nap, laying on my stomach as I absorb the sun being poured onto me.

Eventually when they get back, I grab the hotdog Wyatt got for me and sit there eating with the rest of my friends. He sits down to my left, and I expect Willa to sit to my right, but instead it's Addison. It's not that I'm complaining, I'm just a little puzzled. I try to find where she is, when I see her sitting next to A-spen. Of course. Who else would she be sitting with.

The next few days go by relatively slowly, but maybe because it seems like Willa and I are drifting further and further apart. Like sure we still spend a lot of time together, but there's something different. And on top of that, she still leaves in the middle of the night. Sometimes I'm still partly awake, but sometimes I don't even know she's gone until I wake up in the middle of the night and see no one there. I haven't asked her about it yet, but I think I will soon.

Another week goes by and Willa still leaves, but has never said anything to me about it. At this point I think it's gone on far too long, and I'm taking matters into my own hands. After hanging out with some of the younger pups, I head to my room and see Willa already getting ready for bed.

"Night love," she says, hugging me from the back as I wash my face.

"Night, Wils," I respond. A few minutes later, I climb into bed with her as I cuddle into Willa's side. As I pretend to fall asleep, I roll away from her and face the opposite side of the room. Sure enough, a little while later, I hear Willa get up and leave the room. Quickly, I get out of bed, but wait a few moments before I leave the room to follow her.

Willa pov

I quietly make my way out of the den and into the Forbidden Forest. I continue walking through the first until I get to this clearing near Seabrook. I know I shouldn't be sneaking away and not telling Wanda, but she'd kill me if she found out what was going on. A-spen and I just have this different connection.

"Hey you," I greet, seeing A-spen already sitting there.

"Hey yourself," they say back. I walk up to A-spen and put one of my hands on her cheek as I lean in to kiss them. That's when I hear a gasp come from the bushes surrounding us. It's not the loud, but not quiet enough to be avoided by my ears.

"What's wrong?" A-spen asks me.

"Someone's here," I tell them. I stand up from where we are and walk over to where I heard the sound. And to my surprise, I see Wanda there, a hand covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Wanda pov

I lock eyes with Willa. Her guilty eyes meet my disappointed ones.

"How could you do this?" I mumble. She doesn't respond.

"How could you do this!" I scream, "Especially with them! After everything that's happened."

"Wanda, calm down please," Willa says trying to grab hold of my shoulders.

"Don't touch me!" I yell moving away from her.

"Wanda, please, just listen to me," she starts, "It all just happened so fast."

"Sure," I retort, "That's what they always say."

"You know," I continue, "I've thought that something has been up between the two of you since graduation but I thought I could trust you. I guess I was wrong."

"Just a few days ago you were telling me how I was yours and yours only. What a lie that was," I say quieter. Without another word, I leave Willa standing there with A-spen in the background. A mix of emotions fills my body as I run.




When I get back to the den, the first thing I do is knock on Wynter's door. There is no way I am going back into my old room. Although it takes a few moments, she eventually opens it.

"What the hell are you doing Wanda- oh hey, hey, what's wrong," Wynter says, looking at my tear-stained face.

"Willa," is all I say.

"Come in, it's okay, it's going to be okay," she leads me to the couch in her room and sits me down. I full on break out into tears as I explain the story to Wynter.

"She cheated on me," I get out, "with A-spen. After everything. I just, I just don't understand."

"She cheated on you," Wynter repeats, "No, I don't believe that. There's no way she would've done that."

"Well she did," I tell her, "If you want proof, go to the clearing near Seabrook, they're probably still there making out."

"It's okay, I believe you. It's just hard to imagine. You can spend the night her if you want," Wynter offers.


"Yeah, of course. I doubt you want to go back to your room."

"Thank you," I say.

"Anytime," she says. Wynter hands me a blanket and a pillow, to make me more comfortable on the couch. As Wynter heads off to her bed, I lay back and close my eyes, trying to get the image of the two of them out of my head.

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