A Party!

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Marinette stood in her bedroom studying her dress in the mirror as she simultaneously tried to finish styling her hair.

"You look great, Marinette."

Tikki beamed. The other kwamis agreed.

"Thanks, guys."

Marinette smiled, putting on the finishing touch (her necklace), before heading downstairs. Tom and Sabine had returned the day before, having no clue about the break-in thanks to Adrien, and were beaming up at her from the kitchen.

"Marinette, that dress looks gorgeous on you!!"

Sabine gasped.

"You're gonna knock 'im dead tonight, sweety!"

Tom exclaimed with a big hug.

"Thanks, Mom, Dad."

Suddenly a knock came at the door and Adrien stood on the other side waiting for her. He was dressed in a black and white tux with a dark neon green power tie to match his eyes. His hair remained in its signature style, and a small white rose was tucked in the pocket.

"Your carriage awaits, M'Lady."

He said with a slight bow, offering her his arm. She giggled, as did her parents, before taking his arm and heading out to the car. The drive wasn't more than ten minutes, and soon they had pulled up in front of the Bourgeois Hôtel. Lights waved brightly in the sky and a red carpet was rolled out to the curb. Metal stands held thick velvet ropes along each side to hold off the reporters and photographers. Marinette hesitantly stared out the window and gulped. Adrien must have seen because he gently grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"You ready, M'Lady?"

Marinette smiled at the nickname. It was a nickname for the fearless, confident Ladybug. Her.

"I thought you'd never ask, Kitty."


Adrien and Marinette stepped out of the car together and the cameras, who were already flashing from the time they pulled up, started going even more crazy. The flashing made it difficult to see, but Adrien tried his best to move forward and led Marinette along with him. As they neared the entrance, two young men went to open the door for them. One of which, Adrien quickly recognized as Hunter, the most recent victim to the Heartbreak cupid. Hunter stood in a tight-fitting valet's uniform, watching them stroll down the walk, or more like watching Marinette. He was staring at her like a love-sick puppy, and something about it made Adrien's blood boil. Marinette was his, and he had no problem with letting Hunter know that. So, before they went through the doors, Adrien turned around to face the crowd, with Marinette still on her arm, and kissed her. The photographers and reporters went nuts, as the couple turned around to head inside.

"What was that for?"

Marinette asked once inside. Adrien shrugged but couldn't keep the smirk off his face as they passed right by Hunter. That'll show him.


Chloe screamed from across the hotel lobby, where the party was being held. Adrien groaned.

"How dare you take Adrikins away from me!!!"

She screamed, lifting her arm to smack Mari across the face; but Adrien intercepted, grabbing her wrist before she made contact.

"First off, I was never yours to begin with. Second, I kissed her not the other way around. So back off, Chloe!"

All huffy and puffy, the mayor's daughter turned on her heal and did just that, Sabrina following close behind like aways.

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