The Past

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Hayami huddled under the bed, trembling from the sounds of destruction and panic outside. The fire in her hearth had long since gone out, yet her room still glowed brightly as more and more things caught fire from Elemento's rampage. The door burst open, and the familiar voice of her mother filled the room.

"Hayami!? Hayami, where are you?!!"

She looked under the bed to see her crying eight-year-old daughter sitting there, clutching her doll so tightly it was practically a part of her.

"Mommy, what's happening outside? Why is everything orange?"

The mother's heart broke when she saw the terrified look in her daughter's eyes, and she quickly picked her up to cuddle her.

"It's ok, Hayami, everything's going to be ok. I promise."

A blast hit something close by causing the little girl to scream and her mother to jump.

"Hold on, sweety. We're getting out of here."

Her mother cooed, then took off out the back door. As her mother ran, Hayami could see all the people of her village panicking in fear as the flames of their burning homes grew higher and higher. She shivered.

"Mommy, look out!!!"

Hayami screamed when she suddenly saw a large ball of fire coming right at them. Her mother quickly slid to her knees and skid across the grass, just in time to avoid the blast, and was up and running again the next second. Eventually, they met up with Dad, Ichigo, and Nara.

"Hayami! Thank the ancients. I thought we lost you!"

Her father cried and wrapped her in a big hug.

"Come, we must leave here!"

Nara urged. Everyone took off.

"Daddy, what's going on? Why is everything on fire?"

"Because, My Little Bug, some bad people want something we have."

Some men dressed in black commando suits trekked through the forest close by, and the family dove into the nearest bush for cover. The squad came through, and only after holding their breath for what seemed like hours did Mommy and Daddy leave the bush to see if the coast was clear. Everything was strangely quiet.

"Alright, kids, it's safe to come out now. Hurry! We have to keep moving."

Hayami was the last to crawl out of the small bush, but just as she emerged from the branches, a large hand suddenly grabbed her arm.

"Got ya!"

The scary man declared, holding his prize like a wounded duck as the rest of the family turned around to face him.

"Jaecar! Let her go! She has nothing to do with this."

Dad steamed.

"Not until I have what I came for."

"How many more must be killed, Jaecar? It's not worth all the suffering you've caused."

"I don't care for your little speeches, Lee Sung. Give them to me, or she dies."

The scarry man's grip tightened.

"Please, Jaecar, just let her go!"

Mom begged. Jaecar suddenly went to reach for his knife.

"She said, let her GO!"

Suddenly, Ichigo came barreling into the man, knocking him over, and proceeded to strike at him in a furry of kicks and punches. Mom and Dad quickly moved to disarm him while Nara grabbed Hayami's hand and pulled her away.

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