Hands and Legs [4]

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Rainns mouth was gaped wide looking down his body led on the cushioned baby mat to be changed.

"They're your legs little buddy"Emmet mentioned after seeing his nephews baffled face as Rainn stared to slowly move them around, before giggling and speeding up.

Rainn was moving his legs all over so exited at this new mobility. By now that baby was wafting his arms and legs around grinning happily, the milk had defiantly helped Rainn strengthen up a lot.
Just Edward ,Jasper ,Emmet and Alice where in the room, Carlisle was making sure there wasn't anything dangerous left around, and Esme was putting some of the baby stuff away along with starting to empty a room for Rainn, and Rosalie was off hunting trying to distract herself.

Rainn had paused for a moment causing the others in the room to share questioning glances to one another as to what he was doing. Rainn looked from his legs and the blobs in the room down to his tiny hands.


Rainn had shoved his hand into his mouth. Munching on his hand small smiles and chuckled had circulated throughout the adults from the curious child.

"He's been trying to do that since he first woke up" Edward chuckled out.

"Hey you can't eat that little buddy"Emmet said talking to the baby, Rainn wasn't paying any attention and continued munching on his hand.

"It's not very hygienic littlen" and as Jasper said this Rainns attention had been caught again. It seemed that Jaspers accent was a real treat for Rainn to listen too.

Rains eyes where just planted on Jaspers blob just wanting to hear the funny sound again. Edward pulled Rainns hand out of his mouth with the open opportunity. This sadly distracted him from Jasper and caused little whines and grunts to the lack of hand in his mouth.

Rainn went and tried to put his hand back but Edward hadn't let Rainns hand go, so this was a really poor attempt from the baby at getting his delicious hand back.

Rainn started kicking his legs and wafting his free arm in retaliation, but as he was doing that he remembered that he had legs.
Rainn continued kicking but he stopped looking at the Edward blob and just watched his little legs move.

"Putting him in a onesie's going to be hard
Good luck Edward" and Emmet zoomed away looking to bug someone, not wanting to hear his nephew cry again knowing how likely it would be.

"-sigh- Rainn I need to get you changed bud" but Rainn paid no mind to his father. He was too focused on the movement of his little legs. "Jasper can you try talking to him whilst I get him dressed"

"Rainn you need to calm down a bit" Rainn had looked over to the funny voice and did calm down slightly. Yes he had no idea what his uncle was telling him but he just liked hearing the voice. As Jasper was trying to talk to Rainn ,Alice started lightly poking Rainn's tiny nose also successfully distracting the baby. Whilst this was happening Edward had managed to put half of the sleeping onesie onto Rainn, however as he noticed he couldn't kick his legs as much Rainn looked straight down to his now disappeared legs. Panicking Rainn let's out small whines, deciding now was better than never Edward picked his son up and placed the rest of the onesie on. Rainn had started crying not knowing where his legs and arms had gone with also feeling much more restricted in movement. This onesie didn't have hands or feet holes with only a hole for his large head. Rainn had no idea where his limbs had disappeared to, but he was very upset about it.

Edward had began to rock Rainn soothingly trying to calm him down. Jasper had stepped back after Rainn started crying, not knowing what his reaction will be. Alice was stood right by Edward stroking baby Rainn's cheek, her attempt to help.
Rainn would not look away from his now covered legs, he did just try to kick them again. This was unsuccessful he could kick a tiny bit but the onesie had restricted his movement and being in his daddy's arms also stopping him.

"Oh come on baby Rainn you don't need to cry, you're too cute for all these tears" Alice said trying to carry on distracting the baby by talking to him. Rainn was now looking at her, wanting to save him from the monster that isn't letting him move his legs.

"Do you want to finish your milk? Yeah I think you do" Edward said grabbing Rainn's half bottle of milk from earlier, all after hearing what his new son was wanting to do. 'He's barely been here half a day and is already trying to play on Alice's emotions to go against me' Edward sadly had to admit to himself knowing that this most likely wasn't going to be the only time he would try and go against him.

Rainn was trying to reach down with his covered hands to try and touch his legs, but before he could the bottle had been placed in his mouth. Getting instantly distracted by the food Rainn started to drink the lukewarm milk. This also stopping Rainns crying.

After a few minutes Rainn started grunting again now not being able to get milk.
"All done" Edward said lifting Rainn over his shoulder and patting his back burping the baby.

After Rainn had burped he was brought back into cuddling into Edward's arms. Luckily for them Rainns eyes started to droop, the warm milk and a full tummy really helping out.

"Nighty nighty baby Rainn just remember auntie Alice loves you" Alice told the baby after grabbing Jaspers hand bringing him back towards the baby. Rainn only slowly blinked in response before trying to find warmth in his daddy's arms, snuggling close into himself then finally falling once again into a nice slumber.

8th December 2022
1012 words

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