The Visitor [14]

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"This is a terrible idea" Rosalie said distastefully, she was the first one to call out the faults in this decision. She was bouncing Rainn in her arms, with Rainn somewhat half asleep tired from his day. The bouncing not just soothing him as it also helped as a stress relief for her.
Rosalie along with the others has gotten home from school not long ago, with Edward leaving to pick up Bella not long later.
Edward did stick to his word and stayed the day with Rainn, them doing all sorts together mainly crawling around and playing a game of hide and seek of sorts the two crawling and hiding behind things. Rainn seemingly having lots of fun throughout the day tiring his little body out, thus him cuddling into Rosalie's hold.

Rosalie was quick to retrieve Rainn as she had entered the home, her driving herself to school having not forgiven her husband for borderline bullying Rainn. The baby being non the wiser did attempt to magically get into his uncles arms by pushing his small arms out when he saw the large man, however he was quickly shut down when Rosalie pulled him away and turned him from her husband Rainn and Emmet both pulling their faces slightly in sadness both craving to be in the others arms.

"It's important for Edward so it is important for us" Esme softly said whilst scurrying around the kitchen collecting ingredients for a meal they were preparing for Bella, Rosalie scoffing in response just telling herself to keep her mind on Rainn.

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A timeless graceful house. The Volvo pulls up and Bella climbs out, surprised. This definitely wasn't what she was expecting, in her opinion it looked timeless and elegant the complete opposite of her expectations.
"It's... wonderful" she almost gasped out, the entire structure of the building didn't look like it belonged in the bleak town of fork, however with the dense woodland and the soft sounds of water close by made the house look fitting in its location. If this was a taken photo nobody would expect it to be such an unknown location it was just nothing that Bella would have expected.

" what did you expect turrets, dungeons, moats?" Edward mockingly asked after closing Bella's door.

"No... not moats" Bella joked back smile on her face, still in awe of the building in front of her. Quickly taking her hand Edward lead Bella towards the front door safely up the still slightly wet stairs from the previous rain. Bella was overflowing with nerves, the only sliver lining was that she had met his siblings and Carlisle before, just leaving Esme his mother.

Entering the brightly home Bella was able to take instant notice of its large spacious feel seen in its open plan design and masses of light from the overly large windows filling up as walls looking out into the lush greens of the woodlands. Dotted around the house there were many of more historical looking aspects juxtaposing the whole modern build of the home. All of this leaving an awe struck face on the human, her to only be shocked out of this state when she could hear classical music coming from a room upstairs, said song being La Traviata Libiamo ne' lieti calici by Verdi

"It's so light and open" she said after a few seconds of looking around after being put out of her shock by the music and then there was some sudden clanking also coming from upstairs.
Shaking his head Edward shook his head "I told them not to do this"


The music almost was blasting when the pair made their way up the stairs, Edward leading Bella. Now being able to see the kitchen in full did they realise how active the kitchen was.
Carlisle, Emmet, Rosalie and Esme were all seemingly very busy creating a variety of dishes delving into Italian culture, Rosalie being the only one not concerning herself with the food as she was occupied by a half asleep baby.   
Esme was rolling out a pizza dough with masses of tomatoes around it in a synchronised patten as the melody of the music, however stopping as she realised that Bella was in the room.

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