Bella [13]

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"You were such a good baby, weren't you" Alice cooed to the baby.
It was early into the night and the three had just left the photographers. They had taken masses of photos together, Rainn being a perfect angel throughout the whole ordeal. The photos varied in position with several just being of Rainn on his own. Leaving they made sure to order the copies of the photos they wanted, them being allowed to have a small wallet photo of the three of them after paying for the session this quickly being put into Jaspers wallet next to a photo of Alice. They luckily didn't forget to grab the ordering sheets on their way out for the others to look at, with some samples of the photos takes.

Rainn was now very awake, his nap from before quickly being shaken away with all the attention he was getting during the photoshoot.
"BAAAAA"Rainn called out, him clearly in a giggly mood. Rainn was sat up in his crib. The crib was flat led down as most of the vintage cribs were, these not having the sitting up angle all prams had nowadays. So Rainn was happily sat up with his chubby legs bent outwards.

Jasper was pushing the pram with Alice stood beside him and the crib interacting with Rainn. There wasn't many people about however as it was around 7pm so many people were coming in and out of restaurants and others doing some last minute shopping before the shops closed. From the few people that were still around the trio did get some strange looks however they couldn't care less, they were all matching and looked adorable as a collective together.
As the trio were strolling through town heading home they got interrupted.

"Alice?" A soft voice called out, both vampires stopped and looked up.
In front of them just about to cross the street was Bella, Edward's girlfriend.
They were both well aware of her and had interacted with her around school so it wasn't like they were new to meeting, it was just that this would be one of the first times without Edward present.
"Bella hi" Alice spoke to her, quickly going over and embracing her after she had managed to cross the road, Alice partially liking the girl. Rainn's eyes just following his aunty.

"Oh whose this? I didn't realise you had a child?" Bella babbled out noticing the pram and the baby sat up in it, quickly jumping to a conclusion that in theory made no sense with what Edward had told her about vampires. Rainn being confused by this new person in front of him.

"Oh no this is Edward's little one"Alice explained, she had hoped that Bella was aware of Edward having a child, but apparently not. Bella's face did show a high mass of shock and confusion, so much so Jasper was getting a headache.

After pausing slightly Bella tried to brush the shocked expression from her face as much as possible, thinking back to previous conversations she had shared with Edward.
"He did mention it once, but I wasn't sure if he was joking or not" Bella forcibly laughed out very unsure of herself. She honestly wasn't convinced he was telling the truth at all, he had only mentioned it once after she initiated a conversation after a young child bumped into the two of them in the past. She was expecting him to have just said it as a joking way to impress her, and not to be face to face with a pram with a child in.

"No, we've had the pleasure of knowing this baby for a whole eight months, isn't that right little bug" Alice said quickly allowing Rainn to feel acknowledged in what was going on. Rainn started giggling slightly and clapping his hands. Alice smiling brightly as his cute happy face. Bella clearly seeing how important this cute baby is.

"What's his name?" Bella asked leaning closer to get a better look at him, Rainn tilting his head slightly at the new person in front of him. Bella actually being intrigued in his name. Her now leaning into the crib next to Alice.

"This is little Rainn, a cute little bugger isn't he" Alice said tapping the 8 month olds nose, causing a very small frown to appear on his little face as he crossed his eyes to see Alice's finger.
"Very cute"Bella said smiling at the small baby's actions, her finding him to be quite cute.
"You're coming over for dinner tomorrow aren't you?" Alice asked looking back up towards her brothers girlfriend. It was known in the family that she was coming over, some reaching more welcoming than others.

"Um yeah, is Edward going to be in school tomorrow" Bella quickly asked wanting to know if shell be getting a lift to school then going to theirs straight after with seeing Edward in school, or if she was driving herself to school and back. With her also wondering the fact that Edward wasn't in school today.

Alice paused for a second before replying to the human, "no, he's going to stay home again with Rainn" this after checking a small glimpse into the future to see him crawling round on the floor with Rainn.

"Ah okay, is that what he was doing today?" Bella asked pulling her face slightly away from the baby. All she did get was a text from Edward saying he wasn't able to be in school or drive her this morning. She at first thought that it may have been too sunny out to be safe, however seeing the rest of his family still in she did get slightly concerned.
"Yes, he wants to get closer with Rainn so they are spending time playing together" Alice explained knowing thats what Bella wanted to know, her also pulling back to fully face her.
"That sounds fun"

"Yeah it does, and this one had such fun. He'll pick you up when you get home, so you don't have to leave your truck at school" Alice said smiling at how happy Rainn was that she could see in her visions, also explaining to Bella what would be happening for tomorrow as far as travel concerns.
"Right, thank you" Bella said smiling slightly.

"Now we must be off, its almost this ones bath time" Alice said as a way to leave, she didn't want Rainn out too long and she knew the rest of har family wouldn't either.
"Right I'll see you in school then" Bella said taking a few steps backwards from the crib looking back towards her two friends who were watching over the transaction whispering to one another.

"Goodnight Bella" Alice said giving one last smile, Jasper nodding as his way of saying goodbye without having to fully breath in. Having Rainn around was terrifying for Jasper at the beginning, him not fully trusting his coping with the fresh scent of blood. However his internal instincts were very contrary to the vampiric predatory instincts, so after a while he realised that what he was feeling wasn't hunger but the need to protect. He needed to protect Rainn. Safe to say Rainn wont have any problems with bullies when he gets older after they see his uncle.
Sadly with Bella he found he didn't quite have that same amount of control, forcing him to have to hold his breath.

"Come on little bug, I reckon your daddy is waiting for you" Alice said, also allowing Jasper to realise that they need to go, leaving Bella to walk back over to her friends.
However they were all stood where Alice and Jasper were headed, so it wasn't long after that Jasper with a pram and Alice were walking between the three, the girls separating to allow the Cullen's past giving small "hi's" as they did. But you could tell from their facial expressions that they were going to interrogate their newest friend as soon as they believed the Cullen's were out of earshot.

"You going to be a good boy for your bath?" Jasper asked Rainn as soon as they had gotten far enough away from the girls from school. Rainn perking up at hearing his uncles funny voice. Rainn turned his head back slightly and pointed one of his chubby little fingers up to point at his uncle and let out another laugh.

"What are you pointing at littlen?" Jasper asked the small baby, Rainn only responding with a giggle obviously happy to hear his uncles voice.

"Very cute" jasper said quietly to his wife who smile was blinding at the scene.
"Babababa" Rainn babbled turning back to the direction he was going, then starting to yawn.
Jasper paused before picking Rainn up slightly and laying him down, going into the baby bag and pulling out a small blanket placing it over Rainns small body. Alice stroking Rainn's cheeks slightly promoting the idea of sleep to his little mind. This obviously working as Rainn made no effort to rebel and sit back up, as they then began the rest of the walk back home.

11th august 2023
1540 words
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