Chapter XXV

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→idea by Miss_champcola


"So care to explain?" Celestine asked both Beyoncé and Onika as they all sat at the dining table.

Everyone immediately perking up to listen to what they had to say as they also wondered all day whose kids they were.

The people there consisted of Tina, Carol, Solange, Kelly, Michelle, Matthew and a few other family while the kids played outside.

"Well... They're our kids." Onika says a bit hesitantly.

"You've told us that before but how? You don't just wake up and get kids. This isn't a game." Carol says looking between the couple.

"They needed our help at some point and I don't know while helping them we just so managed to fall in love with them and thought to adopt."

"Four! Not one. Not two but four!" Tina said pointedly, everyone else at the table deciding to keep their mouth shuts not wanting to interfere and get scolded.

"We couldn't just separate them, mom." Beyoncé says feeling Nicki grip her hand a little under the table.

Nicki already knew Beyoncé was slowly getting heated.. hence why she did that.

"We still need to talk." Tina says dismissing the topic for the moment having a feeling Beyoncé wasn't going to say the full thing with all the family seated there.

Solange went out to call the kids in and they all ate their lunch silently apart from the few conversations held by the adults.

Sir had gone to seat with Nicki's niece-Amayah- who was in Houston for the weekend.

While Blue ate silently at the table feeding herself and Papa, Nicki offered to take him but she didn't budge not wanting Nicki to, cause if she did then she wouldn't have anything else to occupy her from talking to someone.

While Rumi sat in Beyoncé's lap, getting herself fed by the older woman.

Beyoncé was a bit stunned at Rumi willingly getting into her lap, wanting to be fed by her.

Time skip.

The lunch went well even though Nicki and Beyoncé having to explain everything to their mothers wasn't really the highlight of their experience.

Now that the family get-together was over and done with the only other thing to do now was tell the kids that they were going to be starting school soon.

Blue going to the fourth grade and the twins starting up pre-k.

"Blue blue?" Nicki asked walking into the room..

"Yeah." She replied dropping the book she was reading to the twins down on the nightstand.

Beyoncé was with Papa Bear in another room since she said quote on quote 'I don't spend enough time with him.'

"Can I come in?"

The three of them only nodded signalling for her to do so.

Walking into the room she took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"You okay?" Blue said feeling like that question was being asked a lot these days.

"Yeah, I just have something to tell you... Y'all are starting school next week." She says looking towards Blue not even knowing how she was going to respond to that.

"How?" She asked as if clueless.

"Like you're gonna be starting school, aren't you happy?"

"I am!" The twins both squealed at the same time before looking at each other.

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