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Chapter Four

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Ch.4: A Touch of Luxury

The next time I woke up, we were in England, only ten minutes away from landing.

"Welcome back," Jude said.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked, scrubbing my eyes.

He shook his head.

"You're not human," I grumbled.

"I'm superhuman."

I sat up and stretched. Despite having slept for the whole journey, I still felt slow and sluggish. "Is this jet lag? Am I jet lagged?"

"Beats me," Jude said.

"Let me guess, you don't get jet-lagged?"

"Never that I've noticed."

"You really aren't human."

That earned me another grin, wide and bright and showing off his teeth.

I folded my blanket and put it on the table. "Did you eat anything?"


I glared at him. "You couldn't have woken me up for some food?"

"I didn't want to disturb you. You're cute when you sleep."

"Cute when I'm annoyed, cute when I'm sleeping," I muttered. "Is there anything I'm doing that you won't find cute?"

"I'll let you know."

The plane taxied down the runway and came to a gentle stop. I had no idea what time it was, but the airport was a sea of golden lights against a backdrop of black sky.

"How was your first time flying first class?" Jude said.

"I slept through it," I said mournfully.

"I noticed." Jude's voice was as cheerful as mine was sad.

"I guess I can still appreciate not being caught up in the crush of everyone trying to get off at once," I said, determined to look on the bright side.

"We get to leave the plane before anyone else," Jude informed me. "Perks of travelling first class."

It wasn't the only perk.

A man waited for us at the top of the jet bridge, wearing a high-vis jacket with VIP emblazoned on the chest, and carrying a name-board with Jude's name written on it. Next to him, was a young woman in skinny jeans and a white silk shirt, her red hair gathered into a loose ponytail. A pair of wire-framed glasses sat delicately on her nose, and I frowned, because even though I'd never met her, I was sure I recognised her.

Her face lit up as we approached.

"Did you have a good flight?" she asked, looking at me, and I faltered because, seriously, who was she?

"She slept through it," Jude chuckled.

The woman laughed too, and I managed an awkward smile.

"Camden, this is my PA, Annie Lambert," Jude said.

"Lovely to meet you," Annie said, briskly shaking my hand.

"You too," I mumbled.

"Annie's on call twenty-four/seven, so if you need anything, just tell her and she'll get it sorted, any time day or night," Jude said.

Annie gave me another encouraging smile, and suddenly a piece of memory clicked into place.

"Wait, I saw you yesterday. You were yelling at those women who chased Jude," I said.

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