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Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Ch.38: Visiting the Ex

"For the record, I'm not sure this is a good idea," I said, as Elle and I sat in the back of the Bentley. I'd assumed that Don would drive Jude to wherever Darius lived, but apparently he'd taken the Ferrari.

Don seemed more surprised about that than anyone.

"So you've said twice already," Elle said.

"But what if it is her? Do we really want to walk right into a stalker's house?"

"She won't actually invite us in. She's never liked me, and she seems to hate you."

"That doesn't make me feel better."

"Even if Natalie's behind this, she's not going to try something at her own home, in broad daylight," said Elle reasonably. "Even if she did, Don's with us."

I eyed our driver's wide shoulders.

"Maybe I'm more worried that I'll take a swing at her," I muttered.

Elle gave me an arch look over the top of her diamond-encrusted sunglasses. "Because she might be a stalker or because of that article?"

"Both." I shouldn't have read the damn article, but as Don drove us the five miles to Queensdale Place, where Natalie lived, I hadn't been able to stop myself.

"I did warn you," said Elle, patting my arm.

"Who the fuck even publishes something like that?" I said, resisting the urge to kick the seat in front of me. "Seriously, in what world is it appropriate?"

"It's standard mean girl stuff. He dumped her and the laziest way to get back at him is insult the size of his dick," Elle said.

"No magazine should publish something like that, though. If Jude wrote an article about Natalie and said he wished she had bigger tits or a smaller ass, he'd be slammed as sexist. Why is she allowed to do it?"

Elle made sympathetic noises.

"Especially when it's not even true. Jude's dick is great," I said before I could think better of it.

In the driver's seat, Don choked.

"Sorry," I mumbled, glancing at Elle.

She gave me a slightly awkward look, and I suddenly remembered that Elle and Jude had been a couple for months, and that she knew exactly how big my husband's dick was. Okay, now I felt awkward.

I glanced at Elle again. Her lips were pressed tightly together, wobbling as she tried to hold back a laugh, and a snort-laugh burst out of my own mouth before I could stop it.

Don shot us a slightly alarmed look in the mirror.

Elle sat up straighter and patted Don's headrest. "This is it. Stop here."

I peered out of the window at the brick townhouse with shuttered windows and potted trees on either side of the front door. "How do you know where Natalie lives?"

Elle batted her lashes. "I'm Elle Reed, darling. I know everything."

We climbed out of the car, and nerves tangled in my chest, making me doubt again that we were doing the right thing.

"We're not turning back now," Elle said, reading my expression.

She tossed her hair over one shoulder and strode up to Natalie's front door. I hurried after her. Elle sharply knocked and a moment later Natalie answered.

Her face was bare of makeup, and it made her look younger and softer. That softness vanished when she scowled at us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she said.

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