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I could practically hear my knuckles split apart as I punched the guy's face again hearing a crack along with blood splattering all over the floor.

I needed this win more importantly I just needed the money, there was no good answer on why I needed it. I just needed it.

"Come on Sam!" Colby yelled

To say the very least Colby was the only person that can deal with my so called attitude on a daily basis, yet he was also I guess my only friend.

Growing up I was more of a introvert staying away from people only talking to them if I just had to, and that was pretty much how I made my way all through out school.

The loner is what I was called but of course I didn't care.

Once I graduated highschool I moved to LA where I later met Colby who is now my friend but also coach is what you can call it.

I was well known after a couple years of boxing getting a lot of good wins with doing illegal boxing matches also but no body knows about that unless you know what happens around the area.

"Sam!" I heard Colby's voice again before getting punched in the jaw falling to ground

Hearing the whistle get blown I knew lost groaning I turned my head to Colby who was climbing into the ring.

"What the fuck happened man?" He asked helping me up

"Just take me fucking home."


I fumbled with my keys mumbling under my breath as I walked out of the elevator, it was late once again meaning I would have my bowl of cereal before going to bed.

Pushing my hair out of my face I went to unlock my door before I heard another door open which I took notice pretty quickly that it was the door across from mine.

The girl that everyone talks about.

"Are you alright?" I heard her ask

"I'm fine." I grumbled not even looking at her

It was silent and I quickly thought that she left until I heard her voice much closer to me making me mentally groan.

"Your knuckles are bleeding and your face is bruised, who did you beat up?" She asked trying to make a joke out of it clearly

I turned to look at her taking notice of her red glossy eyes and the dark bags under them "Get your ass back to bed."

"I can't sleep." She said "I can help with your wounds though."

"I don't need your help." I said opening my door walking inside before shutting it

Throwing my duffle bag to the floor I went to the kitchen grabbing the four things I needed for cereal before sitting on the couch turning the TV on.

I was just hoping tomorrow would be better for me.

Heart Like Yours {S.G}Where stories live. Discover now