thirty five

884 21 2


So this is what it feels like to be in love. The feelings towards Sam that I wanted to push away since I first saw him, I can't do it anymore.

I know he doesn't share the same feelings as I do, he just likes me because he knows Tara and I'm his neighbor.

But I can't help but feel like he shares the same feelings as I do.

It was early in the morning when I woke up and Sam was still sleeping, I couldn't fall back asleep so I quickly changed and left going to the coffee shop.

"Hey Lila."

I smiled as I saw Sadie behind the counter.

"I missed you." I said quickly walking up to the counter

I haven't seen Sadie in a few years, she moved to Tennessee going to college for cosmetology.

"How is Adam?" She asked

I frowned, I never told her that I ended it with him.


"We're doing great, Sadie." As a hand wrapped around my wrist

And it wasn't Sam's hand.

I slightly nodded "Yeah."

Sadie was happy to still see us together.

I needed to call Sam.

"I'm heading to the bathroom, can you get me a hot chocolate?"

Adam nodded his head smiling.

I quickly walked to the restroom, locking the door before digging my phone out of my pocket.

"Come on Sam, please pick up." I whispered

"Lila? Where are you?"

"That doesn't matter, I need your help Sam."

He was silent "What happened?"

"You remember Adam right? That night you drove me home and he was all over me."

"Yeah, is he bothering you?"

"He's doing more than just that, just please come to the coffee shop." I pleaded

"Stay where you are, I'll text you when I'm there."

"Thank you Sam, I love you."

He didn't answer me, he just hung up. I didn't mean to say it, I didn't want to say it. Now he fucking hates me.

"Lila? Are you okay?"

I took a deep breath before unlocking the door "Sorry, important phone call."

"Its alright, let's sit down." He led me over to a booth in the corner of the cafe

"I haven't seen you in so long, how have you been?"

"I've been fine Adam." I said trying to be nice

"It's such a nice day, wanna go for a walk?"

I shook my head "Sorry I have a busy schedule today."

He nodded his head laughing "Right."

I kept staring out the window waiting for Sam as Adam kept talking to me. I don't really know what he was saying, but I didn't care to listen.

Then Sam finally came through the door looking for me. I smiled jumping out of the booth running into Sam's open arms.

"Are you alright?" He whispered in my hair

"Never better." I said into his neck

He squeezed me a bit tighter before letting me go "Let's get out of here."

"Lila! Where are you going?" Adam followed us outside

"Away, from you Adam."

"But I still love you, you still love me. Don't you?"

I shook my head "No, because I found someone else." I grabbed Sam's hand giving it a slight squeeze

It happened fast soon Sam was on the ground with Adam on top, throwing punches not letting Sam get a chance.

"Get off Adam!" I yelled grabbing his upper arm trying to pull him off

Adam pushes me and I land on the ground.

"Sam!" I screamed

Heart Like Yours {S.G}Where stories live. Discover now