fourty one

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"Where are we going?" I asked again

"We'll show you when we get there." Colby said

The three of us all lived together in California for almost four years, recently I recommended Sam that I wanted a new start somewhere away from California.

I'm not sure if he actually knew what I meant cause a few nights later Sam told me to pack clothes for a week long road trip. Which totally wasn't what I meant, but I wasn't going to complain to Sam when he was actually trying.

"The countryside is pretty." I mumbled looking out the window

The two boys didn't answer me, they were too busy looking for a road sign. And that's when I noticed the big bright sign as we entered the city.

Welcome to Las Vegas!

"Right here." Sam said as I watched the city lights disappear behind us

"Sam? Why are we in Vegas?"

Colby stoped the car infront of a big white house, I was the first to get out and stare at the house.

"You said you wanted a fresh start." Sam said wrapping an arm around me

"We live here now?" I asked

Sam nodded kissing my head "Yep."

"This is beautiful." I said looking at the two boys

"I'm glad you like it Lilac." Sam said grabbing my hand leading me up to the front steps "Cause I did this all for you."

All for me.

Heart Like Yours {S.G}Where stories live. Discover now