Chapter 3

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Maya's P.O.V

When he had told me to prepare for my untimely departure to the UK, I hadn't at all fathomed that it would be today! I was nowhere close to being ready for that, heck I'd even tried to persuade myself that it was just some cruel joke but no, the almighty Theodore whatever his middle name might be Duke was standing right in front of my apartment block...looking like he'd just freshly walked out of a Hugo Boss campaign ad.

This is not really the time to be admiring his heavenly looks, Maya. Get it together.

"W-what are you doing here?" I stammered pitifully. Great, now he'd also taken away my ability to talk coherently. Fan-freaking-tastic.

His lips quirked into a hot smirk. "I do remember telling you to get ready. What, you thought I'd been joking about taking you with me?" he asked, his well-maintained eyebrow rising in mock question.

I gulped softly. Of course, I had thought it was a joke. There is no way he would just take somebody he doesn't even know very well back to his home with him, right? "But you don't even know me!" I retorted and huffed in annoyance.

He took a step forward so that he only stood a few feet away from him. His masculine scent permeated the air around him, threatening to arrest my senses. I could bet my bottom dollar that he uses Paco Rabbanne for sure...I think I'm going to be needing some therapeutic help after this because there was no way I was actually checking this guy out.

"Au contraire, love. I know basically everything there is to know about you. Name; Maya Kathrine Knight. Age; 23 years-old. Your parents are Maddox Knight, a well-recognized cardiac surgeon and Gina Cruz nee Knight, a highly decorated cooperate lawyer. You're an only child, and a college drop-out due to the fact that you're more or less of a black sheep in your own right. Let's just say you've been on a downward spiral ever since they kicked you out about three years ago. Shall I go on?" he dared to add pompously.

I just stood there with my jaw almost hitting the ground and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. How did he know all that about me? Damn, Lexi was right about him. There wasn't a single doubt in my mind that he had indeed read my third-grade report card.

I rolled my eyes at his jerkish behaviour. I never really did like British guys anyways. "Yeah, you know a couple of things about somebody as insignificant as me. But that still doesn't change the fact that this whole situation is ridiculous. Even your girlfriend was against it."

Another step forward and he was almost chest to chest with me. Looking down at me, I finally go to fully witness the extent of his penetrating gaze. Up close, his eyes I learned weren't even grey; they were a dark, faded shade of blue with specs of grey in them. He gathered a loose tendril of my hair and gently tucked it behind my ear. "Yolanda, is not my girlfriend," he whispered huskily, his words definitely holding a deeper meaning. He stepped back, out of my personal space, and placed his hands in his tailored suit. "Now, grab your stuff and let's go. My plane leaves soon."

I have absolutely no idea why my feet dragged me into my apartment complex, straight up to my floor and through my front door. It was so unlike me to just follow anyone's commands, much less those of a complete stranger. And what was that little 'is not my girlfriend' bit about? It's not like he had to tell me anything about his love life, and yet knowing that he wasn't dating Yolanda brought me some sort of relief.

What the hell is going on with me lately?

I should have just bought a plane ticket to Tijuana instead of coming back here. I wasn't behind on rent, I liked to pay each month's rent in advance to avoid any unnecessary hullabaloo. It's not like my clothes couldn't be easily replaced; I could have just gone to a thrift store. I had already planned all of this on my walk back home but now my chances of escaping were next to nil.

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