Chapter 25

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Theodore’s P.O.V

Yesterday, I had the most fun I have had in a long time. I finally got to spend some time with my children, which is something that had been nagging my conscience for a while now. Though it was a once in a blue moon kind of situation, it felt utterly refreshing to not maintain a stoic look on my face whilst I bustled away tediously in my sterile office. I smiled and laughed so much that my facial musculature hurt, even till now.

I don’t know how I’d started to feel like I was alive again, but something had definitely shifted since yesterday. I woke up on the right side of the bed, which is a rarity for me, and even whistled a tune as I took my morning shower. I closed the faucet, stepped out and wiped my body dry with a towel before going over to the sink to shave, dry my hair and brush my teeth. My chosen outfit for the day was a white polo neck, a navy-blue suit and brown dress shoes I’d picked up at some expensive shop. I honestly couldn’t remember where. Once dressed, I strapped one of my Philippe Patek’s onto my wrist before proceeding to check my appearance in the mirror. I looked great, as usual, but the only difference is that the was a genuine smile emblazoned on my lips.

I had no idea that it was there. Why the hell am I all smiles and in a good mood? Because of one certain woman and her addictive kisses, that’s why. Even my subconscious wasn’t too arrogant to admit it on my behalf. My thoughts flew to last night when I’d stolen more than enough kisses from Maya, and I was awed that our little encounter had ended just at first base. I could have easily lost control on her, but my senses kicked in and reminded me that I didn’t want her to be just another mindless hook up. 

I’d established that she meant more to me than that.

I don’t know why I feel the way I do around her and what I felt for her, but it was undiluted. I would not dwell on it too much, lest I end up overthinking and end up inadvertently hurting her like the last time I brought that red-haired bimbo I got from a bar. Admittedly, that had been an utterly shameful move but I’d done it, and I wasn’t proud of it. If I could go back in time and change that unsavoury occurrence, then trust me I would.

I slid out of my room and jogged down the stairs and entered the dining room. I sat at my usual seat, and pulled my phone out of my jacket to check out some mail I’d received yesterday. I’d gotten so carried away that I’d neglected my duties completely. That was going to bite me in the arse today, no doubt. When I heard footsteps a few my head flew upwards in anticipation of a familiar angelic face, only for my eyes to meet with Meredith’s plain one. I felt my heart tweak but quickly masked my disappointment.

“Good morning, Theo. I’m here with your breakfast,” she tried, emphasis on tried, to sound chirpy but failed horrendously since she ended up sounding like a robot. Dude, when did you start noticing such insignificant details about her? My brain wasn’t functioning the way it normally did. 

She placed the food tray in front of me before opening it to reveal toast, eggs, bacon and tea. What the hell was this? Why was she serving my food and where on earth was Maya? I looked at the dish with such distaste that I almost threw the damn plate out of my sight. I was now a fan of pancakes, thank you very much. “Where’s Maya?” I wasted no time in asking, and this made her frown.

“She has apparently fallen ill and couldn’t even get out of bed. Something about a fever or whatnot,” she spoke in a bored tone, whilst I bolted out of the chair as soon as she said ill. I started for the direction towards a room, only to be stopped by Meredith’s contemptuous words.

She tsked. “It seems you’ve grown a little too fond of that loathsome, inconsequential wench,” she spurted cuttingly, causing me to pivot on my heels and pin her to the spot with my deadliest glower.

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