Bonus Chapter

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Maya’s P.O.V

I pulled up to the front of the primary which Brianna and Aiden were enrolled at. I’d gotten off work earlier than usual, so I thought I might as well pick them up on my way home. The truth is, I’d been feeling a bit off lately, and the sudden dizzy spell I’d gotten when I was right in the middle of a presentation to some potential clients for the marketing firm I worked at. My boss insisted I go to the doctor, but as usual my stubborn self didn’t want to, until he literally escorted me there.

And when I found out what had me all over the place these past few weeks, it all started to make sense.

To be honest, I wasn’t that surprised since I’d overlooked the writing on the wall. Theodore and I had tied the knot a little over six months ago, and let’s just say we’ve been pretty busy ever since, if you get my drift. I don’t know why we always behaved like a pair of high schoolers in love, but I’m sure it had to do with the fact that we rarely see each other during the day so we have to make up for it whenever we get the chance, especially at night, that is, if either of us is not out working late.

I bit my lip as my finger tapped the steering wheel of the Porsche I recently bought as I waited for them to emerge through the front gates. Today, they would be let out at three thirty, since they both had afterschool sporting activities.

Both now eight, the little munchkin brats had matured a lot more and had grown a taller as well. I didn’t know that I’d be capable of loving the both of them like we actually shared the same blood; but that didn’t matter because Aiden and Brianna are my kids, and they always will be. The bond we’ve shared since they warmed up to me all those years ago had only grown stronger. It made my heart melt every time that they made sure to make me feel like their mother, and had even invited me on a few occasions to meet their biological mother.

Let’s just say Dana and I are at least on speaking terms, although I’m not particularly fond of what she’d done to Theodore. I know it’s isn’t any of my business, but I do pity her for letting such a fine man like him slip by her so easily.

If that hadn’t been the case, then him and I wouldn’t have met and we certainly wouldn’t be happily married right now…

Besides, I’m not complaining in the slightest because it’s also thanks to her that I have the best family in the world, a family that is about to get a little bigger too…

The door to the back seat opened and two little, well not so little anymore, beings scooted in. “Maya! I’m so glad you picked us up!” Aiden said cheerfully and leaned over the central console to hug me, and place a big kiss on my cheek. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?” he asked.

Brianna smiled at me from the view mirror. “We thought we’d have to endure yet another boring car ride with Leslie,” she huffed and rolled her eyes.

I laughed at this. “What? Leslie isn’t that bad, is he guys?” So, I still have no clue as to why Leslie was still under Theodore’s employ after all this time. I knew for a fact that he still held a tiny grudge against him for that one time we went on a date, which resulted in him being switched jobs like no man’s business. After a lot of convincing, Theodore finally let him have his job back as the family driver, much to Leslie’s relief.

Aiden scoffed. “He is so boring! Always telling us about his girlfriend and how amayyzing she is. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that man is totally whipped,” he cajoled and slapped his knee for good measure.

I shook my head in amusement before starting the car up again and backing out of the parking lot. “So, how was soccer practice guys?” I inquired, keeping my focus on the road. They both started playing soccer last year, and just like poker, they were already pros. There is just something about the Dukes’ genes that makes them exceptionally good at everything. I hope that this little bun in the oven will be just like that.

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