93. Day Four

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I woke up, and automatically stretched and reached out for my phone. That didn't work, of course, because my phone wasn't even in my room and my desk wasn't in reach because it wasn't even here. My muscle memory had gotten so used to where things were that I reached out in the same direction every morning, and my body wouldn't learn a new routine so quickly.

A second after realising that my phone wasn't in reach, I remembered that I wouldn't have been able to pick it up anyway. My hands were still in thick mittens, and there was no way I would be able to pick anything up. I couldn't even check the messages on my phone. Everything was so much harder; it was a lot of work just to get out from under my sheets, and attempt to leave the bed. I tried just shrugging the sheets off me, but they tangled around my leg, leading to more struggle.

Eventually I managed to get to my feet, but immediately stumbled because of the bulk of the diaper between my legs. I wondered if it was thicker than the ones I'd tried before. I hadn't been paying that much attention, but I was sure that I would need help if I wanted to take more than two or three steps with so much bulk between my thighs. Still, I was awake before anyone else, and I didn't want to get bored just lying there in bed. It took me all of two steps to stumble and fall. I lay there on the ground, cursed briefly, and wondered if it would be easier to crawl. That wouldn't make it any easier to unlock the door, but it wasn't about actually getting somewhere. It was about making progress; doing anything at all to take my mind off the growing pressure in my bladder. Sure, Mum had said that I was expected to use my diapers. But I was still going to hold out just as long as I could.

"Morning, baby!" Mum said, opening the door just as I got up onto my knees. "Ohh, I think somebody's been trying a little too hard to pretend to be a big girl. Let's get you down to breakfast before your sister wakes. Pee for Mommy."

This time the response was a lot quicker. I remembered the scene that the hypnosis tape had described, where I'd been turned into a baby instantaneously by the magic words. As soon as I heard them, I was peeing. And it felt like all my grown-up thoughts were draining away, leaving me with the pride of an infant before I even thought about it.

"Mommy!" I beamed proudly. "I made tinkles!"

"Yes, you did, didn't you? Such a good girl for your Mommy. Now, can you come downstairs so I can help you with your breakfast?"

I didn't want to fight it now. For just a few seconds after she said the words, I had the mind of a toddler. I did my best to stand, and then with Mum helping me I could get downstairs. She talked to me like a little kid, and it felt like I really was that young. Breakfast today was grits, sausage, and eggs, all eaten from a spoon that was alternately a diving airplane or a train going into a tunnel; and Mum never ran out of new silly things to say if she felt I wasn't opening my mouth wide enough. I could just try to be a good baby for my Mommy, and I loved it. Even when I realised how embarrassing it was to be treated like this, it was somehow a good feeling. A reminder of how much Mum cared for me. And I could see that she was enjoying it as much as I was, so there was no reason for me to try to be a big girl. If this had been my whole punishment, I think I might have been willing to play along for the whole trip.

Maybe I got a little carried away. When the food was all gone, I found myself trying to lick out the bowl, and getting a little in my hair. Mum cleaned my face up with wipes, and then offered me a little bowl of carrot and celery sticks. Child-appropriate finger food that I might be able to eat even with my mittens on. And she left me sitting on the floor in the lounge while she went to wash the breakfast dishes. I automatically turned to watch her go as she walked through to the kitchen, and then realised just how childish I was being. Once I started being a kid, it was hard to stop. So I ate my veggies, and did my best to cuddle Mr Muggins, until I was distracted by my phone ringing. It was charging at the side of the room, and I wondered if it might actually be possible for me to speak to someone. I didn't need my fingerprints to answer a call, after all, and swiping across the screen should be much easier than pressing a finger-sized button.

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