134. Back to School

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This chapter is dedicated to babysofia1234, with thanks for all your support!

"Time to wake up, babies!" Mum's voice jolted me out of what had been a pretty pleasant dream. I wondered why she was shouting, and then glanced across to my clock. After a second of confusion, I was awake enough to realise that today was the first day back at school, and that I'd somehow forgotten to set my alarm last night. I scrambled out of bed, managed to tangle my legs in the sheets, and barely avoided falling down in my haste. I automatically checked my diaper as well, before remembering that I wasn't wearing one today. Back to being a big girl now; and somehow I missed the freedom of not having to make choices.

I dressed quickly enough, and ran downstairs for breakfast. Lindy was already at the table, smarter than I'd ever seen her. Of course, it was her first day at a new school. She must be so nervous, and she wanted to impress her new friends. Then I looked down at the table and gave a little laugh. No croissants, pancakes, or hash browns today. We were all having one of the kits cereals with brightly-coloured bits of crispy candy in. A little reminder, that was just perfect to perk me up.

"All ready for a new year of school?" Mum asked, and we both nodded. "Ready to be good today?" We both nodded, looking forward to the day ahead.

"Was Lindy good yesterday?" Mum asked me with a smile. "Gotten over the behaviour of summer at last?" I was going to say that I was glad to have the cheeky-but-considerate side of my sister back at last. But Lindy answered for herself before I could even open my mouth.

"She bullied me! She said the trigger word in front of Meghan and Niall!"

Mum looked at me, and raised an eyebrow. I couldn't read her expression right then. Had I crossed a line by using the trigger in public? Or had she been expecting me to stay home to do the whole babysitter thing?

"They came to watch me play," I said, hoping that was a good enough justification for going out. "All the school basketball players in the counties come together at the park on the last day of summer. To challenge their traditional rivals, see who's the best, and meet the rising talent from other areas. Hugo invited me and Nadine."

"That sounds like fun. But you had to punish your sister? Should I ask what she did to deserve it, or do you consider the matter settled?"

"I didn't do anything! Moooooom!" Lindy protested.

"It's not a big deal," I said. "Nadine finally realised that I'm getting better at basketball, and it's not just an excuse to see Hugo. And she wanted to try playing too, so we had me and Marco playing her and Hugo. And some spectators suggested we should have a bet... and somebody got a chant started, saying if I lose I have to tell him my biggest secret."

"Hey, that wasn't me!" Lindy protested. "It was Meghan's idea. Niall's neighbour, I ran into them there. 'Cause Hugo embarrassed her brother with that. She was hoping he'd lose this time, I mean, Marco's been scouted by a pro team, right?" She hesitated, and I knew before she said it that there would be more: "I just encouraged her to say it a bit. I mean, it's an interesting bet, right? Just to motivate you."

"And?" Mum said, staring down at Lindy in a very serious way. "Now, if it's just that, I wouldn't expect Sally to publicly humiliate you. But considering all the things you did or attempted over the summer, I wouldn't say it's excessive. I told Sally that she is free to use those triggers however she sees fit, if she wants a little revenge. And I notice you didn't mention which trigger she used, but as I haven't noticed any additional laundry, I know it isn't either of the ones you were hoping I would assume. And I also think that Sally is quite willing to forgive your summer madness, so I can't imagine her doing anything to embarrass you without a good reason. What are you missing out, dear?"

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