131. Catching Up

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This bonus chapter is dedicated to James. Thank you!

Hugo was shooting basketballs at the hoop on the front of his house when I got outside. He was deep in concentration, trying to hit the hoop without actually turning towards it, and maybe he didn't notice that I was there right away. I knew that I should move on, because I wanted to catch up with my friends. But I found myself in my old position, leaning against the mailbox to admire his skills without intruding on what seemed to be a personal challenge.

I could have gone to join him. There was a part of me that wanted to ask. But I knew that he was trying things that were still years beyond me. Just because he was incredible through a newbie's eyes, didn't mean there wasn't space for him to improve. And holding my hand all the time could only slow down his own development. I was content to watch for now, and maybe try to learn something by studying his motions.

I didn't stay there too long before I noticed Nadine coming closer. I hadn't met her this close to home in quite a while, so it was good to see her again. I wondered if she'd finally gotten over whatever subconscious feelings she'd been repressing towards Hugo since their breakup... it would be good if we could all be friends again.

"Hi," she said. "How was the trip?"

"It... uhh..." I realised that I hadn't even thought about what to say to that. Normally I'd be regaling all my friends with vacation stories, and dreaming about the cute boys I'd briefly been too nervous to say hi to on the beach. But this time, almost the whole trip had been taken up by my punishment, so I had very little to tell.

"Sounds like there's a big story there," she said. "Milkshakes and catch up with everything? Or are you going to keep on drooling over the unattainable boy next door?"

"I'm not–" I started, before realising that I was raising my voice a little. Just enough for Hugo to notice, and to turn towards us. He smiled, and started to walk over.

"See, that's the thing," Nadine said with a smile. "I think I get it now. When I was seeing him, he never saw it as a date. To him, it was only ever about teaching me basketball, and that's why he was so disappointed. And you kind of told me all that, but you're still half hoping it'll be different for you. Aren't you?"

I blushed, but I couldn't say anything there. Yes, Hugo was more than just a sports coach. He was my babysitter as well, but how could Nadine possibly understand that?

"It's not like..." I mumbled.

"Well, why don't we ask him? I asked him last week, how he saw your relationship. But the way you're looking makes me think you're still getting your hopes up over something that's not there. Just like I did." And then she turned to Hugo, who was dribbling his ball slowly up the driveway as he approached. "Hey, Hugo! You're teaching Sally basketball, right? I think you need to remind her not to get her hopes up. Tell her it's just sport, and it doesn't mean you're going to fall for her or something."

She was joking, of course. Friendly teasing, of the kind we'd all endured. And at the same time it showed that she cared. She wasn't going to judge me for my choices, but she wanted to let me know that she thought I was making a mistake. Just like I'd teased her about going for an older guy, when that was still news. Making it just a bit mean turned serious criticism into banter. But I didn't know if I could reply in that tone.

"Why can't it be both?" Hugo answered, and my heart leapt. I remembered the things that he'd said when I asked him to be my babysitter; that he was excited by that idea, but also that he'd want to spend time with me whatever we were doing. So this wasn't just about the babysitting... in his mind it was the foundation of some kind of relationship. And as much as I'd hoped he might feel like that, hearing him confirm it was like a whole new thing.

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