Chapter 54

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 I walk with the crowd as we make our way to the arena. I figure Beast will probably be worried about me. I should find them and try to explain why I didn't make it to lunch.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and when I turn I see someone I didn't expect. "Clark?" I look down to meet his big brown eyes and his wide smile.

"ZoeZoe!" he gabs my hand and suddenly I'm in an empty hallway.

"What just—"

"He's barely had any training and he's already matching the skill level of our top teleporter," I turn around and see Mole. Well this is going to be a fun talk.

"That's good right? Clark is showing signs of true talent. We can use that here in this compound."

"It would be awesome, but the only issue is that our top teleporter disappeared about a month and a half ago," Mole says, starting his little swag walk over to Clark and me.

"You haven't tried to find him?" I ask.

"He's dead, Zoe."

I nod my head slowly, "How do you know?"

"Because Clark is here," Mole replies simply.

"You know about this? That people were being taken for this reason? To turn humans into freaks?"

"The Ravens take one traitor and turn him into dozens of loyal servants. Luckily we got to Clark before they did their brainwash thing to him."

"Why is Raven building an army?" I ask.

"Army is a strong word for it. I think they are just trying to build"

"By taking away ours? By ripping humans from their normal lives and forcing them into a life of lies and pain?"

"Well when you put it that way."

"Why are they building an army?" I ask more forcefully this time. I'm tired of his crap.

"You know why," he answers in a low voice.

"Mole, who's side are you on?"

He gives me a smirk, "Why would you ask me that?"

I give him a smirk back, "You know why."

He scoffs, "We won't know who's on what side exactly until it comes down to defending your basic right in life."

"And what's that?"

"Surviving. It changes everyones mind. Just think about it." He sighs, "I'll see you around, Zoe. Say bye, Clark."

"Bye ZoeZoe," he gives me a hug and walks away with Mole, sticking to his side like a good follower.

I walk down a few halls the other way and quickly get my bearings. I then head to my dorm in silence. Mole's such a creep. I've always had a feeling he wasn't a good guy. I need to figure out why he was threatening me now though. Maybe he knows I know something. I should warn Jack then.

I get into my room and close the door. Eyeing the journal that's resting on my bed, I walk to the bathroom and wash my hands. I've got to calm down. I look in the mirror and make eye contact with myself. My eyes seem so contrasting to my expression. The bright, lively green doesn't seem to mix with the hard, stone expression on my face. I seriously don't recognize myself anymore, it's scary. The only thing that's the same is my ballerina tight bun sitting at the top of my head. I dry my hands and rip my eyes away from my reflection only to fixate them on the journal. I sigh, giving in. I walk to my bed and sit down opening the journal. I find a passage a few pages in and start reading.

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