Chapter 61

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 "Why are you doing this?" I ask my trainer.

"Shut up," he responds quietly.

"No, you have to tell me."

"I don't have to tell you anything."

"It must be important then," I mumble. Flame wouldn't side with Mole unless he's holding something big over Flame. If they are leading me to my death right now, I need to know what it is. "Please, tell me."

Flame shakes his head and Mole sighs, "Don't keep the kid in the dark, Flame. This may be the last chance she'll find out."

"Find out about what?" I can sense Mole's smile even though he isn't facing me.

"Think, Zoe. Who would Flame risk everything for? Who he wouldn't be able to live without?" I look to Flame and he looks away. Someone he loves above anyone else. Someone he cares for, someone who cares for him. Someone he wouldn't want to lose...

Or someone he's already lost.

I ask softly, "Willow?"

"Ha! I knew she'd get it," Mole says with a laugh.

"She's dead. Why are you doing this? Flame, she's dead!"

"She's currently living at an undisclosed location, waiting for this one to come find her. If he does what we say, we'll take him to her and they'll live happily ever after," Mole replies.

I look up to Flame and he whispers, "I'm sorry, Zoe."

"Here we are," Mole says, gesturing to a closed door.

"What is it?" I ask. He opens the door and I notice someone standing in the center, his back facing us.

"This will be the last room you ever see," Mole replies.

With the help of Mole, Flame drags me to the center of the room. The man turns around and I see it's Kian. I knew this room felt a little cold when I walked in. They let me go, and suddenly I can't move from my place.

"Long time no see," Kian says. I look away from him and he scoffs lightly, "What's wrong, Zoey?" he grazes his hand over my cheek, causing chills to go down my spine. I pull away from him and he drops his hand gently.

"What are you going to do?" I ask.

"What I've done to everyone that's stepped near me. I'm going to take your abilities away."

"If you kill me you won't know how to make soldiers that withstand two abilities."

"You wanna bet?"

"I'm the only one of my kind. You don't know if there will be anymore of me."

Kian starts walking around the center, "You know, it's human nature to want to improve as a species. That's why the original first breakout happened. He figured out a way to evolve mankind."

"But mankind knocked him down. They couldn't handle knowing someone was genetically better than them."

"Sounds a lot like people you know?" I look away from Kian. The truth is he's right. Many people in this compound that acted out due to them not being the best. That's why Jack hated me, it's why Mac was jealous of Beast, it's why Ulrich and Neil were so aggressive.

"Are you implying we still have humanity?"

He looks at me with a smirk, "Yes. I do believe we still have fragments of humanity," he locks his hands together behind his back, "For example, the need for socialization. This compound has put a lot into fulfilling that desire. You have groups, you eat altogether and gather each night to watch matches and fights amongst each other."

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