Chapter 28

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 "So you're leaving?" Trish asks.

"It's just a quick trip. There and back," Flame responds.

"How long?" Beast leans on the pole behind him.

"Thursday to next Thursday."

"A week!" Trish shouts.

"It's not like I wanted to go," Flame defends himself. "When Mr. X asks you to do something, no, isn't really an option."

"Who are you visiting?" Shawn asks.

"The Frawn and Red compounds, that's it."

Trish inhales and crosses her arms.

Flame looks at her and sighs. "What's wrong with that?" I ask.

"The Raven's compound is right by the Frawn," Trish explains.

"We'll be careful," Flame insists. He really doesn't want us to worry.

"Who else knows?" Beast crosses his arms.

"You three, and the people who are actually going, and X."

"It doesn't matter if only ten people know. It will leak, and then they'll get you," Trish says regretfully, "They have scouts all over that area."

Flame replies quickly, "You think we don't know that?"

"I don't think you care. You all are too cocky to realize that once you're spotted, there's no going back."

"Trish," Shawn tries to calm her. It's too late though, Trish storms away from us and out the door. Shawn runs after her.

"I'm guessing Mole is running this?" I ask, trying to break the silence. "That's why X had him called in?" Flame nods, and it sends chills down my spine. I don't like Mole. "How many are going?"

"Not a lot. Six or seven people."

"Why couldn't X just get someone else to run it? He had to bring back Mole?"

Flame shifts his stance. I know he's thought about this too. "Zoe, I don't think it's our place to—"

"To what? Question the elephant in the room?" I argue. "Why did he bring Mole back if you are just going to talk with the compounds?"

"He felt he needed Mole."

"Because of his power or because of his stability?"

Flame clenches his jaw. Either way it's bad. If Mole was brought back for his power then that means they are going to do more than talk with the compounds. If he's there for stability, then we have a traitor in our midsts. 

"We can talk about this later, now go rest up you two."

Beast starts walking and I sigh. "I hope you know what you're doing Flame."

He mumbles to himself as Beast and I start to leave, "I hope I do too."

We get into the hallway and I feel the tension in Beast's behavior. I look at him and he frowns, "It sounds fishy."

"Completely," I agree as we start walking. Even in a place like this, there's always traitors. As much as I want it to be Mole, there's no way X would call someone back who isn't loyal to him. It can't be Mole, unfortunately. The corruption goes deeper than you think. Phillip's words replay in my head. 

"What are you thinking?"

I'm thinking that I need to speak with my brother again. "I don't know. I hope we are being suspicious for no reason."

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