Chapter 25

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Author's pov...

"Okay. Leave that topic. Now that Chris and Katie are here then we should start what we planned." Hassan said while the others nodded.

"Kya plan kiya hai aaplog ne?" Shimrah asked with raised eyebrows. Masi got off his chair and brought a bottle with him.

"Truth and Dare." Masi replied as he kept the empty bottle on the table. Shimrah ahd no say in this cause she knew that they will force her to play in the end.

"Ha. Boliye Maheen ji. Truth or Dare." Masi asked as the bottle spun and landed on them.

"Truth." Maheen said confidently.

"You have kissed Hassan right?" Masi smirked knowing the answer to it but he still wanted Maheen to say it.

"After engagement, I did." Maheen replied confidently but her cheeks still turned red so did Hassan's.

"You did?" "You did?" Both Shimrah and Mustafa shouted in disbelief but then kept quite cause they knew this is common now a days.

"Yes. We kissed. And it's not like all the couples over here haven't kissed their partners." Maheen scoffed while Shimrah and Mustafa looked at everyone and their faces clearly said that they kissed before.

"You guys are unbelievable." "How come I never knew about this?" Shimrah and Mustafa just gasped at them while all of them looked embarrassed.

"Shimrah. Truth or Dare?" Hiba asked with a smirk as the bottle spun and stopped at Shimrah.

"Truth." Shimrah replied.

"What was the real reason you rejected Andrew when you liked him a little." Hiba asked while the others were shocked except Chris and Maheen to know that Shimrah got proposed by someone.

"I didn't really like him that much even though he is handsome and good at studies. It didn't feel right." Shimrah replied honestly while someone beside her was clenching his jaw just by imagining someone proposing his girl.

"Hassan. Truth or Dare." Mustafa asked as the bottle stopped at Hassan.

"I am a daring person so... Dare." Hassan replied.

"You haven't really proposed my sister so... I want you to propose to her." Mustafa said as he actually wanted to see his sister getting proposed.

"Okay." Hassan got off his chair and went towards Maheen. He sat on his one knee in front of her and held her hand.

"In you, my life becomes whole, with you my days become bright. In your hands I would love to lay, this night and for the rest of my life! You deserve the world and all the good things it has to offer. If I fail to find that world for you, I promise to give you mine! I found the reason for my smile, the day I found you. Will you let me be the reason for your smile? Will you marry me?" Hassan held Maheen's in his hand and said romantically. Maheen nodded and Hassan kissed her knuckles. He got a chance to say what he always wanted to say but was scared to say. Others clapped at them and congratulated them like it was the first time they got engaged.

"Shariya. Truth or Dare?" Katie asked Shariya as the bottle stopped at her.

"Dare." Shariya said but was not expecting what Katie said.

"Give a lap dance to Masi." Katie said without thinking making others gasp.

"Are you serious?" Shariya was shocked.

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