It's Gone Now, The Night Has Come

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"Oh my god."

Georgia screamed in complete terror as soon as she turned over in bed and saw the blacked out silhouette of someone else under the duvet. She pushed herself backwards away from them and practically fell out of bed, sort of landing on her feet whilst also knocking into the bedside table and being relieved she didn't shatter the china lamp. Whoever it was that's in the bed also reacted to all the commotion, jumping up and out so he was standing on the other side of the bed opposite Georgia. She still couldn't make out who it was, only gathering that it could either be a guy or a very muscular woman. Apparently Georgia hadn't just woken up the mystery person with her screaming either, Dean and Connor bursting through the bedroom door to find out what was happening.

"What's happening?" Questioned Connor quickly. "Are you alright?"

"Gia" added Dean, looking at his daughter as if someone had been murdered.

"There's was someone in my bed" responded Georgia, her voice shaky as she pointed over at the person still stood there in her room.

"What the fuck?" shouted Dean as he made himself appear bigger, his nature to protect taking over. "What are you doing in my daughter's bed?"

"What is going on in here?" Said Jen as she walked into the room and turned on the light, instantly illuminating everything and everyone.

Despite the scene, Jen was quickly distracted by Dean and the fact that he was only wearing a pair of jogger shorts, obviously being his choice of sleepwear. She took in the sight of his large muscular chest that was lightly covered with dark hair, the clear right angle curves that created his abs, his thick hairy thighs, and in between all of them the subtle bulge at the front of the jogger shorts. The object definitely not being at its full potential but prominent none the less. Jen swallowed hard before forcing her eyes away and ignoring the sudden dampness of her pants.

"Who are you?" Said Georgia, finally able to see the home intruder, a guy.

"Who am I?" Replied the guy, obviously angry and confused. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the person staying in this room" said Georgia, gesturing around to their surroundings.

"Since when?" Replied the guy, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Guys, guys, let's calm down" said Connor quickly, verbally jumping in the middle. "I can explain all of this."

"Alright Connor, please fucking do" replied the guy, still angry.

"Drew, this is Georgia Riley and her dad Dean. They're staying with me, Joey and Jen for the rest of summer" said Connor, everyone listening. "Georgia, this is Drew Dawson. He's a close friend of mine and Will's."

"Okay, why was he in my bed though?" Wondered Georgia, perplexed.

"Was the window unlocked?" Responded Connor, looking at Drew who nodded before looking back at Georgia. "Drew's situation is... complicated. We tend to leave that window unlocked in this usually spare room so that he can come sleep here if he needs to. Sorry, we must have forgot to mention that."

"To everyone apparently" said Drew, calming down but his slight annoyance still directed at Georgia since she'd pretty much stolen his bedroom. "So what the hell am I supposed to do?"

"You can come sleep with me in my room and I'll leave one of the window's unlocked in the future" replied Connor, shrugging. "At least until the end of summer, it's the best I can do."

"Fine" said Drew slowly, after thinking about it.

"Come on then" replied Connor, gesturing for Drew to follow and then mouthing an apology at Georgia as they left.

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