Remember Your Face, I Call Out Your Name

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A couple days later, Georgia was just getting out of another pageant training session and was about to text Connor because he said he'd pick her up when she was suddenly distracted by the sight of Will walking into the country club. He was wearing some workout gear, obviously on his way to the gym. Georgia smiled and began wandered towards him, the last time she'd seen him was when him and Joey had been having a conversation by the gar. Will had been around the house since then but Georgia had either been busy doing other things or she was at training. She'd definitely missed him and the dynamic that was constantly going on between him and Connor. However, something Georgia was a lot more interested in right now was the dynamic she'd witnessed going on between him and Joey. For some reason it had stayed with her and she wanted to know why, possibly thinking it was because it was either something she'd never see before or it was Joey having a conversation with another guy and not excusing him of being small minded. As Georgia was reaching Will, he finally spotted her and smiled whilst removing his sunglasses.

"Hey" said Will, spreading his arms so they could hug.

"Hey" replied Georgia, happily accepting. "I've missed you."

"Really? I'm always around somewhere" said Will, laughing a little.

"I know but this pageant stuff is keeping me constantly busy" replied Georgia, gesturing in the direction she'd just come from and rolling her eyes. "It's taking up more of my summer than I thought it would."

"I can't be all bad though" said Will comfortingly. "If nothing else you're making memories that you'll have for the rest of your life."

"That's true I suppose" replied Georgia, thinking about it. "I have met a few nice people. Like Hope, apparently you know one another."

"Hope Holloway? Oh yeah, she's great" said Will, nodding. "If you become friends with her you'll never get rid of her... in the nicest way possible."

"Is there a nice way of taking that?" Replied Georgia, squinting but also smirking.

"She's a lovely person and great to have in your life" said Will, smirking as well and correcting himself.

"Talking of great people to have in your life" replied Georgia, seeing an opportunity and going for it. "When I was leaving training the other day I saw you and Joey hanging out at the bar."

"Oh yeah, I vaguely remember that happening" said Will, thinking.

"You seemed as though you were both having a good time. What were you talking about?" Asked Georgia, trying not to sound to forceful.

"I don't remember exactly, I think just random stuff" answered Will, shrugging. "I have a friend that works at the bar so I sometimes come and visit him whilst he's on shift. Joey just happened to already be there when I arrived because he was waiting for you I think."

"Yeah, he did say he was going to the bar before we separated" said Georgia. "It's just... I've seen you guys have fun together but you both looked closer than ever at that particular point."

"Okay?" Replied Will, a little confused.

"I was just wondering why that time was different than all the others" said Georgia, realising she wasn't being very subtle but wanting to see how far she could go.

"We just get along I suppose" replied Will, pursing his lips. "We relate to a lot of stuff in a special kind of way I think."

"Well it's nice to see" said Georgia, nodding slowly. "I hope to see more of your's and Joey's special bond in the future. I'm happy that he has someone other than me."

"Actually... about you" replied Will, getting a little nervous and thinking Georgia was insinuating something because he hadn't tried anything with her yet. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?"

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