I Fell Into Your Open Arms, And I Didn't Stand A Chance

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Early in the morning a couple of days later, Georgia and Joey were saying goodbye to everyone as they left the house. He was driving her to the country club to officially begin her pageant training. Said pageant was to take place in only under two weeks and some of the other people involved had been practicing for this sort of thing for years and Georgia hadn't even been practicing for a month. Jen and Dean waved bye to them whilst eating their breakfasts and Connor quickly gave Georgia a tight hug before they walked out of the front door, wishing her luck as they left.

They were borrowing Connor's car because Joey didn't have one of his own and since he was going to be hanging out at the country club whilst Georgia was at practice, it was just easier for them to travel back and forth together rather than someone coming to pick them up. As they were driving through town, the roof was down and the radio volume was turned up, the pair of them screaming along to songs that were playing and lifting their arms in the air to feel the cool breeze rush past them.

It took about half an hour to get to their destination, the country club owning a lot of land around the main building because of the golf courses and other various activities. The road leading up to it was lined with large trees, the branches reaching overhead and covering anyone underneath with copious amounts of leaves and gorgeously coloured flowers. The road was so smooth it was as if no one had ever driven down it before, the idea of potholes nonexistent. Almost as if it appeared out of nowhere, suddenly the country club came into view. The outside of the building looked as though it was designed to seem like large cubes had just fallen upon one another randomly but it didn't look messy at all, most of it being white stone with the occasional but of burnt orange placed her or there. There was plants of all different kinds in pots varying size and shape, ivy or vines growing up the sides of some walls. If Georgia had just seen a picture of this place online somewhere, she would have assumed it was in a tropical country. Joey drove the car around the large fountain that was positioned in front of the main entrance and came to a stop next to as person that didn't look too much older than they were. Georgia knew he worked there because of his uniform and before she knew it, her and Joey were climbing out and watching as the guy climbed in and drove away. Apparently the car park was located somewhere else on the property.

The inside was just as nice as the outside, perfectly designed and so beautiful it almost felt illegal to look at it for so long. Just inside the main entrance there was a map of the entire country club, Georgia wanted to know exactly how much stuff there was to do here and it was safe to say she was surprised. There was golf, tennis, quad-biking, fencing, badminton, croquet, a spa, a gym,a swimming pool, a small movie theatre, bingo, chess, a dance studio, yoga, archery, a shooting range, axe throwing, volleyball, basketball, football, a restaurant, a cafe, a medical clinic, and so much more. Because there country club was situated by the beach, those previous things were only the stuff that took place on land. You could also swim, snorkel, sail, serf, parasail, and fish. There was so much stuff to do Georgia would have been shocked to learn if anyone actually left here once they arrived. Despite having been in Echo Beach for quite a while now, somehow Georgia kept forgetting just how wealthy everyone that lived there was.

- The Boys Of Echo Beach -
Intro song: Ondine - David Krutten - https://youtu.be/cJgvaA0NMlg

As they continued walking further into the depths of complete and utter luxury, Georgia admired the marble archways lining every corridor, the expertly carved statues posed in various compromising positions, the people either wearing amazing outfits or uniforms provided by the country club. Georgia felt like she'd stumbled into someone else's body, like she was observing their life through their eyes, watching as they made their way through life in this wonderful environment completely unbothered by the problems everybody else's lives. Georgia would hate the idea of people seeing her only personality traits as being wealthy and better off but the more she saw and experienced, the more she honestly thought she could live with it if it she had to choose. I mean, there isn't anybody on this planet that wouldn't accept this kind of lifestyle if it was offered to them with no catch involved. Just as they were reaching some ginormous oak double doors at the end of a corridor, they passed by the gym. Georgia happened to glance inside for no other reason than she was curious to see what it looked like and lo and behold, she instantly saw Drew working out.

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