Chapter 13 : Stronger Together

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I grabbed a peace of metal from the bed and charged straight at Val. Before I could hit him with it he swung a pocket knife at me which I managed to dodge, barely. 'I need to focus.. for Stolas' sake' I thought to myself as tried not to charge in blind. I thought a bit of a strategy before planning my next move. I looked around my surroundings and spotted the metal bat in the corner of the other side of the room. 'I have to find a way to it without getting stabbed..' I thought. Before I could really form a proper plan for that Val tried swinging at me again but I managed to react quicker this time and I ducked, grabbing his arm and jumping over it, twisting it in the proses then smacking it with the metal bar for good measure.

"Erg you pest! You twisted my bloody arm!"
"Well that's NOTHING compared to what you made Stols go through you ass hole!" I countered quickly before attacking again, this time sliding underneath him and using the metal bar to hit his shins so that I can stun his legs. While he was falling tho he managed to graze my arm. I hissed slightly at the pain but nothing that I couldn't handle.

"ARG!! MU LEGS FEEL PARALYZED!!" He screamed like a whining baby. "Good" I said plainly as I went to keep beating him up. I swung and swung and swung till this bitch got a nose bleed, but when I went to swing at his stomach he managed to grab the bar. We struggled to take the bar. When I felt like my grip on it was slightly slipping Val suddenly got kicked by something causing him to let go and fall over.

"Fizz?" I asked confused. "Mhm.." he replied "you're helping me? But I thought.." "I'll give you an explanation later alright.. just for the time being.. partners?" He asked taking out his hand. I smiled and nodded as i shook his hand "like we used to say, we're stronger together, right?" "Always" we smirked at each other with determine glints in our eyes as we looked back at Val now recovering. "So what's the plan?" He asked me. "You see that metal bat over there" I whispered "if you can sneak behind him and bash him in the head with it we can manage to knock this motherfucker out cold" "got it, can you destruct him for me?" "Annoying people has always been my forte" I reassured with a toothy smile as i swirled the metal bar in my free hand. "Hehe I know that first hand. Alright, let's do this" Fizz ran off to the side before Val could fully recover.

"Hey Moth bitch, you know first time I heard of you, you kinda sounded more like a hobo rather than an over lord" I commented trying to push his buttons "excuse me!?" I mentally gave myself a pat on the back. "Ye and you know what? Why name yourself Valentino? That's way to related to Valentines and I'm pretty sure you ain't the type that people would like to love" I continued as I saw the anger rise in him. "You little bitch.. I'll make you regret saying that!" He yelled as he charged at me.

I went straight back to focus as I did my best to dodge his blind attacks. Swing and dodge and swing and dodge. It was like he never stopped, it was a never ending match of who can be the fastest to react, it was tiering, even for me, the constant dodging, I felt backed up in a corner. Till I found an opening, the small mistake he made that could have gotten unnoticed, a pattern in his attacks. He swings up, straight then down. I focused on that pattern, I timed it.. wait for the opening..

....................NOW! I hit him right in the ribs, hearing some crunching sounds. "Oooo that's gotta hurt" I teased just to add the fuel into his fire of blind attacks. He hissed as he clenched his rib. But he suddenly did something I would have never predicted. He got out a second weapon, it was a bigger knife this time, way sharper and can cause more fatal wounds. Shit now it's really gonna get bloody... I like it.

I smirked as he charged straight at me again. One thing I wasn't expecting tho was that even despite my taunting he was being more calm and calculated. This wasn't good.. his swings became more unpredictable and with him having 2 sharp knives and me with just a metal bar, the stacks were very unbalanced.. he swung and swung and swung, making me have to move more and more back, he backed me straight to a corner, I had no where to go, he was about to swing, until a shrill of pain comes out of his mouth.

Fiz had grabbed the bat and hit him straight in the spine. He swung again and this time right in the head knocking him out. I looked down and saw that the second knife which Val had was red with blood. 'Strange.. he never stabbed me during our fight..'

when I looked up I went to high five Fiz "Nice one Fiz! You really saved my ass the-" drip, drip, drip. I look properly at Fiz and to my horror I saw blood starting to soak out of his shirt. *cough* "FIZ!" I leaped and caught him before he dropped to the floor. "Hey hey hey! Fiz, don't you fucking die on me right now ok!! I just got you back I'm not loosing you again!" I pleaded as tears started rolling down my face.

"*cough* Blitzø listen to me.. I'm so so sorry about what I did.. so sorry.. I *wheeze* I found out t-that it wasn't you who actually s-started the fire b-back then an-"
"Fiz I don't care about that right now! Please save your fucking energy alright you idiot!"
"No Blitzø, I-I have to *cough* tell you this.. you a-aren't worthless, o-or useless.. you're a-an incredible f-friend, b-best friend at that.. the f-fun we had a-as kids was a-amazing and I w-wouldn't change it f-for the w-world.. *cough* I-m s-sorry I didn't believe y-you.. Blitzø.. you're g-good enough o-ok..? Don't l-let anyone.. s-stop you.. from b-being *cough* who.. you a-ar...e"
Tears started rolling down my face at those words. "Oh Fiz.. you don't have t-"
"Yes.. I do... *cough* you d-deserve a p-proper apology a-and I'm sorry I-it took m-me t-to *cough* *cough* my n-near d-death to t-tell you.."
I was about to say something as a counter but I shut my mouth believing it was better to not counter at all, for his sake. A small smile rose to my face as some more tears came out. "Thanks Fizz"
Fizz smiled softly.

"Guys, up here is secure! Did you get Val under control!?"
"Ya! Thanks Ozzie! Hey we need some help down here! Stolas is passed out but stable and Fiz is stabbed!"
"Shit! I'm coming!"
I handed Fiz over to Ozzie and I grabbed Stolas' passed out body.

Before leaving I got a bottle of gasoline and poured it all over the basement. "Burn in double hell bitch" I said under my breath before lighting it on fire and letting the whole basement burn down with Val in it.

When we got out there was a portal to a hospital and I handed Stolas to the nurse. "We need him in the emergency room!" The nurse said quickly rushing him with other nurses.

Guess all there's left to do now is.. wait..


Sorry it took me a while to get this chapter out to you all! But I hope this was worth the wait! Also thank you all so much for all the support and the patience!! I'm doing better now and focusing on getting my posts back on normal schedule! Thank you all again for being so amazing!! I love you all!! Bye!!!

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