𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

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My body vibrated with the intense bass in the car making my bones rattle. Lately, my best friend Aaliyah has been listening to nothing but Megen Thee Stallion. Her Favorite song is: Ungrateful. We were driving up the mountains to get pictures for our spring exhibit for our department at uni. I played around with the Fuji Polaroid camera, capturing the scenery outside the car's window.

"I think we should split up once we get to the mountains."

"What?" Aaliyah yelled over the music.

I leaned forward for the volume knob, turning down the music. My ears open up, taking in more sound, the hum of the engine and the faint whisper of the wind.

"I said I think we should split up."

"You sure girl?"

"As long as we keep our location on and don't stray too far, we should be fine."

It was only noon and we didn't plan to stay long since she promised her brother she would come to his soccer game. She wanted me to come along with her so she could have someone to ask if every soccer player on the opposing team was cute.

My phone chimes over and over again with text messages. Aaliyah doesn't miss how I check my phone with a long, stressed-out sigh.

"Don't fucking tell me that's Monica blowing up your phone like that?"

My silence was the loudest answer to her question.

"What does that hoe want?"

I read my ex-girlfriend's text. The first gray bubble read: Can we talk? And then the second gray bubble read: I'm free later tonight if you are...

"Uh... She wants to talk."


"She didn't say."

"Are you gonna talk to her ass?"

Again my silence answered Aaliyah's question. She hit her hands on the steering wheel, shaking her head, her box braids moving with her.

"No, Ma'am terrible idea. Very terrible." Aaliyah said with distaste. "When an ex says that, they either wanna fuck or they wanna fuck, fuck."

"Is there a difference?"

"Baby yes."

"Monica doesn't wanna do that."

"She wants to meet you at night?"

Again silence.

"See nah, I won't allow it."

My best friend didn't play about me. Not when she saw me at my worst over a girl who I thought loved me. Aaliyah wanted to beat Monica's ass. Because no one plays in her friend's face and gets away with it.


"After what she did to you?" You seriously thinking about talking to her?"

"Just thinking about it. Didn't say I would talk to her." I muttered.

And I'm the type of person who believes in giving second chances. I saw the good in people when their, dark, toxic mass overshadowed the little good in them. Aaliyah always says: "This why you keep getting hurt by ain't shit ass bitches."

It's so like me to want to fix whatever broken parts of a person I'm dating. Yet, all I did was fix them up to love someone else better.

Aaliyah sighs.

"Ain't nobody seen you are your worse more than I have. And I'd be damned if I let Monica hurt you again. You deserve so much more than these low-quality ass girls you've been giving your heart away to, Jas."

She's right. I did. My soul craved affection and my bad habit of choosing girls who couldn't fulfill that craving was my poison. Even if they could fill that craving, it's temporary and cheap.

I stretched my legs once I got out of the car. Aaliyah got her equipment out of the trunk. She had more stuff than me. I only brought my camera bag. There's still a chill in the air even though it was spring. My oversized Tenessee whiskey hoodie kept me warm. We made sure our locations were on before parting ways.

I followed a long dirt path, feeling the crunch of gravel beneath my vans. I lifted my heavy camera bag on my shoulder. As soon as the trail descended to a rocky path, I regretted not wearing hiking shoes.

Below the mountains, I found a suitable place to set up. I shot Aaliyah a picture of the scenery. It felt like Mother Nature was alive. Expanding her lungs and raising land.

I looked through the viewfinder of my camera. In the distance, trees lined a lake. Kneeling, I get a shot of the sky reflecting off the lake waters. I lowered my camera at the eerie feeling that rose in my gut that someone or something was watching me.

Hey, you're just being paranoid.

My ears were alert at every little sound. A flock of blackbirds erupted from the trees into the sky with a wrangled cry. I captured a picture just as they flew behind the mountains.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my skin prickles as the feeling of someone watching me intensifies. I looked around. A few trees were scattered away from the lake. The short trunks wouldn't be able to hide anyone. I was about to turn away when I got a gut feeling I shouldn't move.

The air grew still—a low, rumbling growl cut through the stillness.

My legs wouldn't move. I gripped my camera tighter, closing my eyes and saying a prayer like that was going to save my ass from whatever was out there.

I could sense something in front of me. Hot air tickled my face and I swallowed my heart at the sound of the deep growl beside my ear.

Don't open your eyes. Don't open your fucking eyes.

Standing still might have been my best bet. Whatever it was, it would have attacked me by now unless it wanted to play with its meal.

And fuck, I don't wanna die. Tears ran down my face and I opened one eye, then the other. A large black wolf stood in front of me. Just eye level, its dark eyes staring back at me.

Did Wolves get this big? But where the fuck did a wolf come from? Hell, It didn't matter.

The wolf let out another growl, displaying its canines. I threw up my arms to protect myself like that would provide me safety from this massive animal. And I waited for it to sink its teeth into me, and rip me apart. But nothing happened. There's a howl in the distance. I lowered my arms to see the wolf step back on his hind legs, its dark eyes carefully watching me before turning towards the thin-out trees.

My camera fell out of my hand and landed on the grassy ground, and seconds later, my legs gave way under me. Tears stream down my face as my body convulses, making it hard to catch my breath. My heart beats hard against my chest. I tried to calm myself, but it was useless.

Author's note:

The first chapter is a lil bland, since writing description scenery is a weak spot of mine. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter, to say the least. Thanks for reading!

Raw Honey | Lesbian Werewolf Romance | FemxStud | DISCONTINUEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora