6) Friendship Unlocked

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Song: Carry you by Novo Amor

Kai Carter (POV)

Riding my bike to school this morning was a very painful experience. Not only did I not get enough sleep, my father decided that he was in the mood to basically kick my ass.

Just sitting on the hard leather seat of the bike was painful for me, and peddling was even worse.

When I got to school, I was sure to keep my head down, although my face wasn't badly injured, I just wanted to make myself as invisible as I possibly could.

While walking to my locker, my thoughts began to run wild.

Is it really worth it to continue living like this? Day by day my life just seems to get worse. It was like I was paying for something that I never did.

My thoughts were interrupted when I finally got to my locker. I took what I needed and headed to my first period class before the first bell even rang like I always did. As I sat there in the class, my thoughts began to run wild once again.

I decided that my thoughts were too painful, and that I shouldn't continue torturing myself so I pulled out a book from my bag, and began reading.

Just as I was getting lost in the pages of my book, the bell rang for class to start, snapping me back to reality.

"Hey Kai." Austin said as he walked in the class.

I honestly never even realised that Austin and I were in the same math class. I guess that I just don't pay much attention to my surroundings.

"Hi Austin." I said giving him a quick wave and a friendly smile to which he returned. "I didn't realize that we had any classes together." I said truthfully.

"That's because you usually look like you're in a world of your own." He said laughing lightly, causing me to laugh too.

He was right, I usually just drift away into thought during my classes. That's something that I always get in trouble for.

Our conversation was ended when the teacher and the rest of the class walked in.

The time passed so fast that it felt like the class was over as soon as it started. The rest of the classes also went by very quickly, and soon it was time for my least favourite class. Gym .

I didn't hate gym because I was unfit or anything like that, I hated it because I'm normally in so much pain, that I can hardly do whatever it was the coach was making us do.

When I arrived in the gym I noticed that Damien was there. Shane was also there, and he was not keeping his eyes off of me. That caused a pit to form in my stomach. If Shane wanted to get back at me, now was the perfect time for him to do it because we would probably be playing football or something, and I am in too much pain to defend myself even if I tried to.

I took my gym bag and went far away from everyone to get changed because I didn't want anyone to notice the amount of scars and fresh wounds that was littered all over my body. I changed quickly and got back to the center of the gym where everyone else was.

As I turned my head in the direction that Damien was in, he looked at me directly in the eyes and a huge grin took over his face as he started making his way to me.

"Kai!" He said ruffling my hair. "I was just asking one of these assholes over there if they knew where you were." He said pointing in the direction he came from.

I smiled at him. "I just went to change in the bathroom."

"Why in the bathroom?" He asked knitting his eyebrows together.

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